Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Talking Behind My Back

I work with the young women 12-18 - specifically I have stewardship over the 12 and 13 year olds. 

At church tonight, we had an activity where we "talked behind each other's backs."  We all wore little signs on our back and we took turns writing positive and uplifting messages on each other's backs.  In the end, we were left with something beautiful and sweet that we can take home and hang up in our bedrooms.

There were so many beautiful messages written.  Many of them brought me to tears. They said nice things about me, my testimony or my strength.  There were two messages that really made me think.  One said "You always listen to me."  I couldn't help but wonder which girl wrote that, and wonder if I should be listening more.  Or, wonder if there is something else that she needs.  Another message read, "You always make me feel better.  (:Thank you."  I thought of two girls that it could be, but then I thought of another girl and hoped that I might have made feel better.  These sweet spirits are so beautiful and it can be a daunting task working with each girl and making sure that they each feel loved and that their needs are all met.  My goal has always been for them to know that I love them.  I am not so great at coming up with cool activities or lessons.  I do the best I can.  But, I love every girl in the program... active, inactive and less active.

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