Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lucky, Lucky Me

I will tell you straight up... I have a very special Grandma.  I sent her a Mother's Day card in the mail and put a little cash in it. It isn't so good for us to get her big gifts, because she doesn't have very much room.  She lives in a little one bedroom assisted living apartment (it isn't much bigger than my college dorm room was).  Besides, if we give her big gifts, I think it makes my mom cranky.  She is the one that has to help her find a place to store or display the gifts.  Anyway, once Grandma hit her '90s she almost seems like a teenager in a lot of ways.  One of them being, she really likes it when you give her cash.  It isn't as special as heartfelt gift.  But, like a teenager, it sure makes her smile!

Just a couple of days after she received her little Mother's Day gift, I received a card in the mail.  It was a "hope you are feeling better card."  She had addressed it herself in her shaky handwriting.  Even putting Frisco TX 75035 on there twice for good measure.  On the inside, was a beautiful note about how she hoped that Jessie and I were both feeling better and doing ok.  She hoped Jessie was doing well and school and how much she loved us.  And, she thanked me for her gift and told me it was the perfect color!

I  have the most special Grandma in the world (I'm sorry if you thought it was yours).  Many people have commented on my strength lately.  If I am strong, I think that it is inherited from her.  She is the strongest woman that I know.  Always a trailblazer, setting out to do her own thing without worrying what others think.  She worked during a time when many women didn't work, and divorced when it wasn't something that was done at the blink of an eye.  She raised kids without a husband when it was much harder to do so, and society probably wasn't as accepting.  She worked hard throughout her entire life.  I am honored to call her Grandma.

I love you Grandma. You are the best.

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