Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Camping And More Camping

A couple of weeks ago Jonathan and Fred went on a multi-ward camp out.  I think they must have had fun, because they came home much later than expected.  They brought home a ton of stories, and they smelled bad.  These are all signs that fun was had by all.
The boys camped in Wolfe City on one of the Bishop's property - I think.  The boys were grouped in patrols of about six boys.  I think it was absolutely awesome that the patrols had boys from all the wards.  It was a great way for the boys to step outside of their usual groups, and get to know one another.

They were actually supposed to camp two weeks in a row, but the second camp out was canceled due to rain.  Jonathan was so excited, because it was a father/son camp out.  He and Fred and had invited my dad for the second year in a row.  Never fear, the week long Scout camp is coming up the second week in June!

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