Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Call Me Minny Jackson

I finally finished reading The Help.  I was determined that I was going to get it finished over the weekend.  Aibeleen looked at her last white baby and asked her if she remembered what she had taught her and little Mae Mobley replied:

You is a smart girl.
You is a kind girl.
You is an important girl.
Then Aibeleen hung her head down low and walked to her bus stop, and I was sad that my book was over.  I haven't been so excited about a book in forever.Two things happened while I was reading - I think I took on Minny Jackson's sassy attitude and I seemed to fall back into my "Community" twang. 

For the last week or so, they have been giving me grief at work about my twang.  Usually, my twang is evident after a visit with my family or when I am telling a really good story.  However, I have been called out non-stop for twangin' it up.  The only thing that I can figure out is that the little voice in my head has been reading the book with a little Southern belle accent.  In real life, I don't have a Southern belle accent, so I must have fallen back into my old Community High School twangy accent.
I have found myself in a couple of situations where I have wanted to right some injustices.  One occasion was at church Sunday before last.  I found myself fired up and wanted make something right for someone that had been wronged.  Then again today at work, I was ready to tell the world that I thought a particular person had been assigned a project that was unfair.  I couldn't figure out why I was so fired up and just itching to let these people know how I felt (even though I would never really let them know my feelings).  I decided that I had enjoyed the book too much and was taking on the role of Minny Jackson.  I wanted to be the Southern white woman's worst nightmare. 

Jessica and I stopped off at Target, because she needed a pair of shorts for field day.  Really, it was an excuse for me to buy the BluRay.  Now, I can relive the Terrible Awful all over again. 
Thankfully, my next book is just another Janet Evanovich book.  I will enjoy it, but I won't love it.  That is best for me. 

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