Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Some Beach...

Since the beginning of time, bands and choirs in the metroplex have been gathering at Sandy Lake Park to show off their hard earned skills.  Jonathan has been so excited for this day to come.  He has been hearing about the trip to Sandy Lake since the first day of school.  Only he got lake mixed up with beach and thought his band was taking a really cool trip.  Not so, Buddy, not so!  Sandy Lake Park has a stage under a big tent for performances, but the real attraction is the rides.  These rides are carnival grade rides.  Scary rides.  As in, 'I sure hope this ride stays in one piece while I'm on it' scary.

There was no school yesterday for Frisco, and then today was the big day at Sandy Lake Park.  So, it was pretty exciting for Jonathan.  I was with him as he said his prayers last night. 

"Please help me to play well, and bless mom and dad to enjoy my performance."  Uh Oh!  I had made a promise that I wasn't going to keep!  I had told him that Sandy Lake Park wasn't far from my office, and I could just hop over to hear him play.  However, I had never put in for the time that it would take to just "hop" on over.  I am seriously feeling like a parenting failure at this point.  I opt to keep quiet. 

I wait until this morning and I let him know that my boss has a lot of work for me to do, but Dad (who is chaperoning) is going to call me so that I can hear everything.  He is satisfied, and I am one lucky mom.  Fred called and I got to hear both of the 6th grade band's songs.  I gave Fred my camera to take pictures.  (His photography could have been better, but I can't have everything, right?)  

I am happy to report that Wester Middle School 6th Grade Band received a 1 on their performance.  And, Jonathan and his friends had a great time riding all of the rides that Sandy Lake Park has to offer.  Jonathan was so proud that Fred was able to chaperone, and I was thankful that I got to hear their performance (even if I did sit and have a pity party at my desk, because I wasn't able to be there in person).

We are blessed.

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