Friday, May 11, 2012

Flashback Friday: Livin' The Good Life

Once upon a time a mother and daughter went kayaking.  It was hard work, so the daughter decided that it wasn't any fun, and that she didn't really want to play anymore.  So, she stretched out in the warm sun and took a little nap.  The mother was left to navigate the river by herself.  She stroked along as she pulled the weight of herself, the sunbathing teenager and the extra large kayak.  The mother could feel every muscle in her arm and shoulder working.  She was tired, but she felt like a super hero.  There were times that the mother didn't want to play anymore, either.  Sometimes the daughter would sit up and try to help.  During those times, the mother and daughter would end up spinning in circles or hitting the bank.  They decided it was better for the daughter to sleep and the mother to stroke. 

And, the mother swore she would never kayak tandem ever again.  The daughter swore that she would never kayak ever again (tandem or otherwise).

The End.

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