Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Gracie

Hello.  My name is Gracie.  I turned 14 years old on August 25th.  I am good natured... for the most part.  I might snap at you if you try to force me to do something that I don't want to do, or if I'm scared.  Other than that, I'm good natured.  I really like my thunder vest.  I wear it almost everyday.  Mom tries to take it off me, and then Dad tells her to put it back on, because there is a chance of rain.  I'm scared of rain, thunder and lightening.  I also can't hold my poop.  When I walk, I leave a trail of little terd nuggets (that is what Dad calls them).  The vet said I need more fiber and should eat pumpkin.  Dad says that he is tired of picking up poop and thinks that they should send me to doggy heaven (of course, he says a lot of stuff that he doesn't mean).  Mom told him that she would remember that when he is old and can't hold his poop in.  I like to stay close to Mom and Jessie.  I used to hang out with Jonathan, but I have been worried about Jessie so I stay in her room a lot.  She doesn't mind except when I trip her.  I am bad about getting under people's feet.  I just want to stay close to them.  She also gets a little frustrated when she has to pick up my poop off her purple rug, but other than that she doesn't mind having me as a guest.  It is a little dangerous in her room, though.  I take my life in my own hands by hanging out in there.  She has a very bad habit of leaving hangers on the floor instead of putting them back in the closet - like Mom tells her.  There was one day that there were a bunch of empty hangers on the floor.  Mom came home and I had a plastic hanger stuck on my head.  It was scary and funny all at the same time. 

It is hard getting old, but I love my family and they love me! 

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