Sunday, May 6, 2012

God Wanted Her To Be Polished

 Back in April, our church had its semi-annual General Conference.  It is a wonderful weekend where our church leaders come together to teach us for two days.  It takes place in Salt Lake City and we can watch it from the comfort of our homes or we can see it broadcast in a church building.

One of our amazing leaders, President Henry B. Eyring spoke about adversity and trials.  Of course, I sat up and listened to his every word.  He said that during this time we should turn to our foundation of faith that we've already built.  And, if it needs to be strengthened, it is never too late. 

President Eyring told a story about his mother who fought cancer for ten long years.  President Spencer W. Kimball (another great leader) spoke at her funeral.  He said:  "Some of you might have thought that Mildred suffered so long and so much because of something she had done wrong that had required the trials."  He then said, "No, it was that God just wanted her to be polished a little more."

The following week my friend Susan and I discussed some of our favorite talks with our young women at church.  This one came up.  Susan recounted this story and then turned to me and said, "boy, you are getting really polished aren't you?"  It never occurred for me to apply this story to my own life.  I think she is right, though. We have a choice when adversity hits.  I hope our family is learning from our trials, so that we can become more polished.

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