Thursday, May 31, 2012

Habit Forming

They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  I have posted on my blog for 32 days in a row.  I made my "official" comeback on the last day of April.  I made a promise to myself that I would post everyday for the month of May.  That was my way of making this blog a habit.  It has always been something that I loved, and I want to make sure that it stays active no matter what is going on in my life.

I am not sure what my frequency rate will be going forward.  Maybe three times a week. We will just have to see.

(By the way, this marks my 430th post!)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Remarkable Soul of Sister Dunn

I have been so fortunate to serve with this beautiful lady.  Susan Dunn has taught me so much.  We are preparing to say goodbye to her as she moves on down the road to beautiful Utah.  I am going to miss her friendship, love and support.  I am going to miss her stories.  I am going to miss standing in the church parking lot talking with her long after I should have gone home.  She has been a wonderful example to me and taught me so much. 

We celebrated all of her wonderfulness tonight.  We learned more about her by having a spotlight on Sister Dunn.  We shared special memories and stories.  We loved on her and gave her gifts.  It was the perfect evening. 
Our Beehives presented Susan with The Remarkable Soul of a Woman by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  They all signed the inside of the book in their own sweet Beehive way.  Of course, I gave her Gordon B. Hinckley's Way to Be - it is the book that I give everyone that is leaving Beehives.  (President Hinckley is my favorite Prophet!)  Jessica gave her some cute jewelry and the Young Women gave her some sunshiny bread, honey and other goodies that were all bright and yellow (courtesy of Megan Ross).

We love her so much, and I think we did a pretty good job showing her how much!  We will miss her so much!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Court of Honor

Jonathan and Fred had a Court of Honor last night.  Jonathan was presented with his First Class badge and his Photography merit badge.  He is really close on Pet Care and Dog Care.  We almost made him rush through and finish in time for the Court of Honor, but decided that it was best that he take his time.  He will have it finished in the next couple of weeks.  He is also pretty close on Public Speaking. 

I am so thankful for Fred's calling in Scouts.  It has been so good for Jonathan.  It has helped him to work hard and be enthusiastic for the program, where he might have otherwise been frustrated with it.  And, through the Scout program (and good friends), Fred has become active in the church again.  (I once thought it would be my love and good example that would bring him back to church, but it turns out it is hanging out with loud, sweaty boys. Whatever it takes, right?) 

We truly are blessed.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spirit of Freedom

"The gospel is not a philosophy of repression, as so many regard it.  It is a plan of freedom that gives discipline to appetite and direction to behavior."

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lucky, Lucky Me

I will tell you straight up... I have a very special Grandma.  I sent her a Mother's Day card in the mail and put a little cash in it. It isn't so good for us to get her big gifts, because she doesn't have very much room.  She lives in a little one bedroom assisted living apartment (it isn't much bigger than my college dorm room was).  Besides, if we give her big gifts, I think it makes my mom cranky.  She is the one that has to help her find a place to store or display the gifts.  Anyway, once Grandma hit her '90s she almost seems like a teenager in a lot of ways.  One of them being, she really likes it when you give her cash.  It isn't as special as heartfelt gift.  But, like a teenager, it sure makes her smile!

Just a couple of days after she received her little Mother's Day gift, I received a card in the mail.  It was a "hope you are feeling better card."  She had addressed it herself in her shaky handwriting.  Even putting Frisco TX 75035 on there twice for good measure.  On the inside, was a beautiful note about how she hoped that Jessie and I were both feeling better and doing ok.  She hoped Jessie was doing well and school and how much she loved us.  And, she thanked me for her gift and told me it was the perfect color!

I  have the most special Grandma in the world (I'm sorry if you thought it was yours).  Many people have commented on my strength lately.  If I am strong, I think that it is inherited from her.  She is the strongest woman that I know.  Always a trailblazer, setting out to do her own thing without worrying what others think.  She worked during a time when many women didn't work, and divorced when it wasn't something that was done at the blink of an eye.  She raised kids without a husband when it was much harder to do so, and society probably wasn't as accepting.  She worked hard throughout her entire life.  I am honored to call her Grandma.

I love you Grandma. You are the best.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Flashback Friday: Floating Down The River

Last year when we went on our kayaking trip, we also managed to squeeze in some time to float down the Comal River.  I was worried that the kids wouldn't enjoy it.  I thought that that it would be too slow and boring for them.  They actually loved it.  They kicked back and relaxed and had a great time! I thought they would be ready to get off the river after 20 minutes.  They surprised me when they had the time of their lives.  The Fortenberry Four hit the river leaving Uncle Joe and Grady to hang out and do guy stuff (Auntie Jan had to work and MaMaw stayed back in Lavon). 

We will have to plan another floating trip soon!  Not sure if we can do one this summer, but it sure would be fun!  It is always nice when you find an activity that everyone in the family enjoys.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

With A Little Help From My Friends

Sarah, Morgan and Jessica

The St. Anthony School had their graduation and end of school year party.  Jess and I went to support the school and spend time with her new classmates.  The school is so wonderful, and her friends are so sweet.  I couldn't help but smile while having dinner with her friends Sarah, Morgan and Praveen.   These kids are so funny and work so hard.  The graduates spoke and their stories just tug at your heart.

The Director stopped by my table to tell me how he has seen Jessica blossom over the last two months.  I can't tell you how many teachers stopped me to brag on her.  I had a parent/teacher conference last week, and it was so positive and wonderful.  We signed her up for summer school just so we could get her caught up. The most exciting part was that she wasn't even upset.  She was very accepting.  I think that is a testament of the school and everything that they've taught her.

This school is absolutely amazing. If I could have one wish it would be that this type of school would be available to anyone that needs it. We've got her into the school for now, but will probably have to make a change her senior year, and that will be heartbreaking. For now, we just focus on being grateful that we've found this wonderful school.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Talking Behind My Back

I work with the young women 12-18 - specifically I have stewardship over the 12 and 13 year olds. 

At church tonight, we had an activity where we "talked behind each other's backs."  We all wore little signs on our back and we took turns writing positive and uplifting messages on each other's backs.  In the end, we were left with something beautiful and sweet that we can take home and hang up in our bedrooms.

There were so many beautiful messages written.  Many of them brought me to tears. They said nice things about me, my testimony or my strength.  There were two messages that really made me think.  One said "You always listen to me."  I couldn't help but wonder which girl wrote that, and wonder if I should be listening more.  Or, wonder if there is something else that she needs.  Another message read, "You always make me feel better.  (:Thank you."  I thought of two girls that it could be, but then I thought of another girl and hoped that I might have made feel better.  These sweet spirits are so beautiful and it can be a daunting task working with each girl and making sure that they each feel loved and that their needs are all met.  My goal has always been for them to know that I love them.  I am not so great at coming up with cool activities or lessons.  I do the best I can.  But, I love every girl in the program... active, inactive and less active.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Free Will

Jonathan and I had to drive to the other side of Frisco (which is like driving to another town) to get his photography merit badge signed off on. On the way back, he was telling me a really long and awful story about someone (who shall remain nameless) that had a psychotic girlfriend and has decided not to date for another two years.  In an effort to change the subject, I asked him to tell me about his high and low for the day.  In his Eeyore voice, he informed me that he didn't have a high today.  He said that he just had a bunch of lows.  Really?  I asked what had happened.  Turns out, he was still focused on the fact that he had gotten in trouble just before we left for not getting his homework done.  He told me that the the biggest low of the day came when he got grounded from everything in his life, and all he has left is his own free will.  Then he added that he wasn't even sure that he even had much of that left.

Gee, what a Debbie Downer!  I wasn't even sure how to respond to that!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Aging Not So Gracefully

I was looking for a picture and I ran across this one from Christmas 2010.  I think that I look about 5 years younger - not a mere 1 1/2 years younger. 

In just the last couple of months, time really seems to have marched across my face.  Is it stress or because I hit the big 4-0?  Either way, it is not pretty!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Choice To Be Grateful

written by: Henry B. Eyring

Our Father in Heaven commands us to be thankful in all things (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18), and He requires that we give thanks for the blessings we receive (see D&C 46:32). We know that all of His commandments are intended to make us happy, and we also know that to break commandments leads to misery.

So to be happy and to avoid misery, we must have a grateful heart. We have seen in our lives the connection between gratitude and happiness. All of us would like to feel gratitude, yet it is not easy to be consistently grateful in all things in the trials of life. Sickness, disappointment, and the loss of people we love come at times in our lives. Our sorrows can make it hard to see our blessings and to appreciate the blessings God has in store for us in the future.

It is a challenge to count our blessings because we have a tendency to take good things for granted. When we lose a roof over our heads, food to eat, or the warmth of friends and family, we realize how grateful we should have been when we had them.

Most of all, sometimes it is hard for us to be sufficiently grateful for the greatest gifts we receive: the birth of Jesus Christ, His Atonement, the promise of resurrection, the opportunity to enjoy eternal life with our families, the Restoration of the gospel with the priesthood and its keys. Only with the help of the Holy Ghost can we begin to feel what those blessings mean for us and for those we love. And only then can we hope to be thankful in all things and avoid the offense to God of ingratitude.

We must ask in prayer that God, by the power of the Holy Ghost, will help us see our blessings clearly even in the midst of our trials. He can help us by the power of the Spirit to recognize and be grateful for blessings we take for granted. What has helped me the most is to ask God in prayer, “Wouldst Thou please direct me to someone I can help for Thee?” It is in helping God bless others that I have seen my own blessings more closely.

To read the rest of this article go to:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

We Are Family

We recently found ourselves in a very stressful place.  We were blessed to have so many of our sweet family and friends that pitched in and offered support.  It was very humbling to say the least. 

My dad went with me to Austin while I took care of some difficult business.  It was very comforting to have him with me.  I could have taken care of it by myself, but it was so much easier to have my dad with me.

We also found ourselves needing to spend a lot of time in the Austin area.  For about 2 1/2 months, we spent every other weekend in Austin.  My Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe live in Austin and opened their home up to us.  It was such a hard time, but we also had some really great times.  Our sweet little family of four had some wonderful family moments, and we had some really great times with my Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe.  I think that Auntie Jan and I are closer for having had that experience.  We had lots of talks and "bonding" time when we come in to town on those Friday nights. 

 My brother was so sweet to give us gas cards and restaurant gift cards for Christmas to help out with the travel.  It was a huge lifesaver.

My mom and mother-in-law gave so much moral support.  Cards, letter and phone calls. The cards and letters are all saved and tucked away.  Anything we needed, my mom sent our way.  

Our friends sent their love, support, cards and packages. The Young Women at church were so sweet and wonderful. So much love was offered that it was unbelievable. 

It was hard to accept help.  In some cases, I think that I might have accepted help kicking and screaming.  This experience, while difficult, brought so many blessings into our lives.  I hope that I sufficiently thanked everyone, and showed my love for them. 
I don't know how I will ever repay them for their love, support and kindness.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Flashback Friday: I Walk The Line

Jonathan's twelfth birthday hit during a time that we thought was very stressful.  Looking back, it was actually a pretty calm time (we just didn't know it).  His birthday was very low key - no birthday party.  We had lunch and then went to Main Event for bowling and games.  While we were at Main Event, we spyed the gravity ropes.  We thought they looked like fun, so we tried them out. 
We had a great time.  Fred made me promise not to post any pictures of him.  The straps on his harness were too short. So, the harness was lifting his "manhood" up much like an underwire bra lifts the girls up.  It was so embarrassing that I flung myself across his body, so that the little kids wouldn't see him.  It was awful.  If it were me, I would have asked for a new harness or my money back.  Fred just climbed the stairs and went on with his journey.  At least I have pictures.  You can bet that I will do something with those pictures.  His 40th birthday is coming up in October!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Gracie

Hello.  My name is Gracie.  I turned 14 years old on August 25th.  I am good natured... for the most part.  I might snap at you if you try to force me to do something that I don't want to do, or if I'm scared.  Other than that, I'm good natured.  I really like my thunder vest.  I wear it almost everyday.  Mom tries to take it off me, and then Dad tells her to put it back on, because there is a chance of rain.  I'm scared of rain, thunder and lightening.  I also can't hold my poop.  When I walk, I leave a trail of little terd nuggets (that is what Dad calls them).  The vet said I need more fiber and should eat pumpkin.  Dad says that he is tired of picking up poop and thinks that they should send me to doggy heaven (of course, he says a lot of stuff that he doesn't mean).  Mom told him that she would remember that when he is old and can't hold his poop in.  I like to stay close to Mom and Jessie.  I used to hang out with Jonathan, but I have been worried about Jessie so I stay in her room a lot.  She doesn't mind except when I trip her.  I am bad about getting under people's feet.  I just want to stay close to them.  She also gets a little frustrated when she has to pick up my poop off her purple rug, but other than that she doesn't mind having me as a guest.  It is a little dangerous in her room, though.  I take my life in my own hands by hanging out in there.  She has a very bad habit of leaving hangers on the floor instead of putting them back in the closet - like Mom tells her.  There was one day that there were a bunch of empty hangers on the floor.  Mom came home and I had a plastic hanger stuck on my head.  It was scary and funny all at the same time. 

It is hard getting old, but I love my family and they love me! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Camping And More Camping

A couple of weeks ago Jonathan and Fred went on a multi-ward camp out.  I think they must have had fun, because they came home much later than expected.  They brought home a ton of stories, and they smelled bad.  These are all signs that fun was had by all.
The boys camped in Wolfe City on one of the Bishop's property - I think.  The boys were grouped in patrols of about six boys.  I think it was absolutely awesome that the patrols had boys from all the wards.  It was a great way for the boys to step outside of their usual groups, and get to know one another.

They were actually supposed to camp two weeks in a row, but the second camp out was canceled due to rain.  Jonathan was so excited, because it was a father/son camp out.  He and Fred and had invited my dad for the second year in a row.  Never fear, the week long Scout camp is coming up the second week in June!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chivalry Is Not Dead

Jonathan and I went on a little date tonight.  He had great manners.  Jonathan ran ahead of me, so that he could open my car door.  He carried items to the car for me.  He saved us a seat at the restaurant.  We sat side by side while we ate.  He helped me carry the food that we were bringing home to Fred and Jess.  When we got home, he helped me in to the house.  We are talking serious chivalry.  It is like he is still celebrating Mother's Day!  I don't have the heart to tell him that it is over. 

Jonathan's manners were so great that I was thinking that his daddy could pick up a few pointers. I even mentioned it to Fred tonight. Oddly enough Fred didn't think it would be helpful. Not only did he not think it would be helpful, but he said something about me taking both my lips and planting them on both of his cheeks. For some reason, I don't think he was talking about the cheeks on his face.

Jonathan is such a wonderful boy, and I just want to keep enjoying his sweet acts of kindness.  I am so blessed to have such a great son. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Call Me Minny Jackson

I finally finished reading The Help.  I was determined that I was going to get it finished over the weekend.  Aibeleen looked at her last white baby and asked her if she remembered what she had taught her and little Mae Mobley replied:

You is a smart girl.
You is a kind girl.
You is an important girl.
Then Aibeleen hung her head down low and walked to her bus stop, and I was sad that my book was over.  I haven't been so excited about a book in forever.Two things happened while I was reading - I think I took on Minny Jackson's sassy attitude and I seemed to fall back into my "Community" twang. 

For the last week or so, they have been giving me grief at work about my twang.  Usually, my twang is evident after a visit with my family or when I am telling a really good story.  However, I have been called out non-stop for twangin' it up.  The only thing that I can figure out is that the little voice in my head has been reading the book with a little Southern belle accent.  In real life, I don't have a Southern belle accent, so I must have fallen back into my old Community High School twangy accent.
I have found myself in a couple of situations where I have wanted to right some injustices.  One occasion was at church Sunday before last.  I found myself fired up and wanted make something right for someone that had been wronged.  Then again today at work, I was ready to tell the world that I thought a particular person had been assigned a project that was unfair.  I couldn't figure out why I was so fired up and just itching to let these people know how I felt (even though I would never really let them know my feelings).  I decided that I had enjoyed the book too much and was taking on the role of Minny Jackson.  I wanted to be the Southern white woman's worst nightmare. 

Jessica and I stopped off at Target, because she needed a pair of shorts for field day.  Really, it was an excuse for me to buy the BluRay.  Now, I can relive the Terrible Awful all over again. 
Thankfully, my next book is just another Janet Evanovich book.  I will enjoy it, but I won't love it.  That is best for me. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


There is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood.
M. Russell Ballard

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Like My Mother Does

[Verse 1]
People always say
I have a laugh
Like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile
When things get rough

I've got her spirit
She's always got my back
When I look at her
I think, I want to be just like that

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself like my mother does

[Verse 2]
I never met a stranger
I can talk to anyone
Like my mother does
I let my temper fly
And she can walk away
When she's had enough

She sees everybody
For who they really are
I'm so thankful for her guidance
She helped me get this far

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
I see myself like my mother does

She's a rock
She is grace
She's an angel
She's my heart and soul
She does it all

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I'm weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
I see myself like my mother does
Like my mother does

I hear people saying
I'm starting to look like my mother does

Friday, May 11, 2012

Flashback Friday: Livin' The Good Life

Once upon a time a mother and daughter went kayaking.  It was hard work, so the daughter decided that it wasn't any fun, and that she didn't really want to play anymore.  So, she stretched out in the warm sun and took a little nap.  The mother was left to navigate the river by herself.  She stroked along as she pulled the weight of herself, the sunbathing teenager and the extra large kayak.  The mother could feel every muscle in her arm and shoulder working.  She was tired, but she felt like a super hero.  There were times that the mother didn't want to play anymore, either.  Sometimes the daughter would sit up and try to help.  During those times, the mother and daughter would end up spinning in circles or hitting the bank.  They decided it was better for the daughter to sleep and the mother to stroke. 

And, the mother swore she would never kayak tandem ever again.  The daughter swore that she would never kayak ever again (tandem or otherwise).

The End.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dance Like No One Is Watching

I wish that I could be more like Jonathan.  He dances and gives it everything he has.  Sometimes he looks like knows what he is doing.  Sometimes he looks like a big goofball.  But, he always does it with confidence.   I wish I could be just like that.  He always dances like no one is watching.  With no cares.  With no inhibitions.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

School Daze

Many of you have asked about Jessica's new school.  She did not go back to her high school in Frisco.  We have her at a wonderful school in Carrollton just 5 minutes from my office.  The St. Anthony School is a therapeutic school for kids in K-12 with all kinds of needs.  She loves it and has made a lot of new friends.  There are only 27 students in high school and the curriculum is geared towards each student. 

She has to wear a uniform, which is absolutely awesome.  I never hear, "But, I don't have anything to wear."  And, I never have to say, "You need to change shirts.  I don't think that one is appropriate."  I wanted to take a picture of her in her uniform, but she rolled her eyes and thought that was a silly idea.  She looks really cute in her khaki pants and navy blue polo.  Although, we had to stop off at Office Depot to buy some supplies for work, and people kept thinking she was an employee.

The best part about her new school is that she smiles everyday.  School has been a huge stress for her most of her life, but especially since 8th grade.  To have her at a school where doesn't feel stressed out about her abilities, and knows that she fits in is a huge relief.  I am so thankful that we heard about this school, and was able to get her in there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fortenberry Fun at Six Flags

A couple of weeks ago, Fred and I had the opportunity to chaperone Jonathan's band trip to Six Flags.  We had a great time.  The weather was perfect and the crowds weren't too bad.  There was a cheer competition that seemed to be mainly targeted towards preschoolers, so the entire park looked a little like Toddlers and Tiaras.  Other than that, it wasn't so bad. 

We were able to ride quite a few rides.  We made sure that we rocked all of the old school rides like Judge Roy Scream, Shock Wave and The Mine Train.  The line for the Texas Giant was way too long, but we did manage to ride the Titan.  It was fun, but super scary.  Jonathan rode with Fred, so I was all by myself with no glasses on.  It was an odd feeling that is for sure - just being jerked around without knowing what exactly was going on.

Fred works with the boys at church and a few of them are in band.  They were so cute.  They made sure that we sat next to them on the bus ride.
We were all super tired on the ride home.  Jessica was supposed to go with us, but changed her mind at the last minute.  She isn't a fan of big rides, and decided that it might not be so much fun.  She stayed behind and hung out with her aunt and cousins all day.  I understand that the girls watched the original Footloose with Kevin Bacon (after being introduced to the remake the week before).

Fred, Jonathan and I had a great family day.  It was so much fun.  I wish Jessica would have gone with us, but then she never would have been introduced to Kevin Bacon and Footloose.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Super Moon

Saturday night, Fred and Jessica went on a late night date to see The Avengers.  Fred has some kind of aversion to seeing early movies.  He likes to see them after 10:00 p.m., if possible - after the teenagers clear out of the movie theater.

This left Jonathan and I all alone.  Jonathan had returned from a fun camping trip with the Scouts, so he would usually go to bed early.  However, I decided to let him stay up to watch the super moon.  We sat outside at 10:25 p.m.  We looked at the moon at 9:30 and then again and 10:25.  It looked the same to us.  The optimum viewing time was 10:35.  We went inside ten minutes early, so I hope something stupendous didn't happen in the course of 10 minutes. 

We took about 10 pictures and I couldn't get any of them to turn out.  I think my camera didn't understand what I wanted it to focus on, because I was too far away from Jonathan.  About the time he starts acting silly is when it finally focused. 

Jonathan makes me smile.  We were sitting on the front steps looking at the big, bright beautiful moon.  He put his arm around me and said "I love you.  Let's go inside and view some TV now."  Who says view some TV?  Most people watch TV.  Very few of us view it.

Fred and Jess, aren't you sorry you missed this?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

God Wanted Her To Be Polished

 Back in April, our church had its semi-annual General Conference.  It is a wonderful weekend where our church leaders come together to teach us for two days.  It takes place in Salt Lake City and we can watch it from the comfort of our homes or we can see it broadcast in a church building.

One of our amazing leaders, President Henry B. Eyring spoke about adversity and trials.  Of course, I sat up and listened to his every word.  He said that during this time we should turn to our foundation of faith that we've already built.  And, if it needs to be strengthened, it is never too late. 

President Eyring told a story about his mother who fought cancer for ten long years.  President Spencer W. Kimball (another great leader) spoke at her funeral.  He said:  "Some of you might have thought that Mildred suffered so long and so much because of something she had done wrong that had required the trials."  He then said, "No, it was that God just wanted her to be polished a little more."

The following week my friend Susan and I discussed some of our favorite talks with our young women at church.  This one came up.  Susan recounted this story and then turned to me and said, "boy, you are getting really polished aren't you?"  It never occurred for me to apply this story to my own life.  I think she is right, though. We have a choice when adversity hits.  I hope our family is learning from our trials, so that we can become more polished.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

You a Smart Girl

My life has been more than a little crazy lately, so I am pretty sure that I am the last person in the world to start reading The Help.  I actually bought it back in December or January.  Everyone was so excited that the movie was coming out on DVD/Blu-Ray.  I didn't want to see the movie until I read the book.  I ended up seeing parts of it at my sister-in-law's house.  I never quite got the book started. It feels weird to read a book in paperback now that I own a Kindle.  What has the world come to that we are so digitized that we can't read old fashion books?  I just started the book, so I am only one hundred pages into it, but it feels like it is going fast since I've seen much of the movie.

I have decided that I am going to take a little inspiration from Aibileen.  I'm going to tell myself like Aibileen told Mae Mobley:

You a smart girl.
You a kind girl.

If I tell myself that every morning before I leave for work, then it has to be true, right? 

If that doesn't work, then I can always gain inspiration from Minny....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Flashback Friday - When You Gotta Go - You Gotta Go!

I have been away from this blog so long that I have enough material to do a Flashback Friday from now until the end of time.  I got the idea yesterday while I was downloading pictures and found more than a few classic pics from our kayaking trip with Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe last summer.  It was probably our last bit of fun, before our world tilted on its side. 

Friends, I ask you each to look at this picture and ask yourselves this simple question... Do you think Auntie Jan just tee-tee'd in the river?  I asked myself that question, and I answered myself a big ole yes!  I'm pretty sure that we all took a potty break at this point. I just feel oh so bad that I might have caught Auntie Jan doing the deed.  Ok, ok, you got me.  I really don't feel bad at all.

Auntie Jan,  I am very sorry if I took a picture of you while you were taking care of business in the river.  I am also sorry if I am unjustly accusing you of taking care of business while in the river.  Lastly, I'm sorry for sharing this on my blog.  My kids and darling husband tell me that I should reevaluate my sense of humor.  They say I'm really not that funny.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dear Abby,

My darling husband works with the deacons at church – that is the awesome name that we give our cute little 12 and 13 year old boys.  One of his duties is for him and his cohorts/other leaders to take the boys camping once a month.  (I use the word duties lightly, because he really enjoys taking the boys camping.)

For some reason, taking the boys camping requires a lot of coolers. And, since he goes on said camping trip once a month, he feels like it is too much trouble to put his coolers away. So, he stacks them all around my living room and kitchen until he needs them again.

Do you have any advice for training my darling husband to put his coolers away every month?

Yours truly,

Cooler-hating Wife

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fake Bake

(Photo courtesy of Jonathan)

Last spring I discovered the wonders of spray tan.  I dutifully visited my local Planet Tan 3-4 days a week.  Having been cursed with pasty white skin, I loved my my golden tanned body.  I had the best summer of my life.  It is amazing what a golden body and a little self-esteem can do for you.

Once school was in session again, I dropped my membership.  There just wasn't enough time to stop off and get sprayed before heading home to help with homework and listen to the fine stylings of Jonathan on his tuba.  I promised my new friends at Planet Tan that I would be back in March or April to prepare for swimsuit season.  But, alas, it was not meant to be.  With extra expenses, I could not justify my beautiful golden tan.  Yet, I hate looking at my pasty white skin.

So, what is a girl to do?

While shopping for some hair care products at Ulta, I came across the sunless tanning lotion.  I made a somewhat small investment in Fake Bake.  It came with rubber gloves.  This made me a little nervous.  This must be serious stuff if they need to include gloves. Yet, I persevered.  It went on dark.  Really dark.  I was somewhat frightened, but kept going.  I gave the bottle and the gloves to my darling husband and asked him to put it on my back.  I was trying to explain to him that he should use it sparingly.  Before I could get the instructions out of my mouth, I felt cold running down my back.  He had taken the bottle and just squirted large amounts all over my back. He had squirted so much that he couldn't rub it all in.  I looked Hispanic on my back.  I was really scared at this point.  This morning when I woke up.  The colors were much lighter and I was very relieved.  Fred said he couldn't see any streaks.  He might have been trying to save himself. 

Oh, Planet Tan, how I miss you!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Some Beach...

Since the beginning of time, bands and choirs in the metroplex have been gathering at Sandy Lake Park to show off their hard earned skills.  Jonathan has been so excited for this day to come.  He has been hearing about the trip to Sandy Lake since the first day of school.  Only he got lake mixed up with beach and thought his band was taking a really cool trip.  Not so, Buddy, not so!  Sandy Lake Park has a stage under a big tent for performances, but the real attraction is the rides.  These rides are carnival grade rides.  Scary rides.  As in, 'I sure hope this ride stays in one piece while I'm on it' scary.

There was no school yesterday for Frisco, and then today was the big day at Sandy Lake Park.  So, it was pretty exciting for Jonathan.  I was with him as he said his prayers last night. 

"Please help me to play well, and bless mom and dad to enjoy my performance."  Uh Oh!  I had made a promise that I wasn't going to keep!  I had told him that Sandy Lake Park wasn't far from my office, and I could just hop over to hear him play.  However, I had never put in for the time that it would take to just "hop" on over.  I am seriously feeling like a parenting failure at this point.  I opt to keep quiet. 

I wait until this morning and I let him know that my boss has a lot of work for me to do, but Dad (who is chaperoning) is going to call me so that I can hear everything.  He is satisfied, and I am one lucky mom.  Fred called and I got to hear both of the 6th grade band's songs.  I gave Fred my camera to take pictures.  (His photography could have been better, but I can't have everything, right?)  

I am happy to report that Wester Middle School 6th Grade Band received a 1 on their performance.  And, Jonathan and his friends had a great time riding all of the rides that Sandy Lake Park has to offer.  Jonathan was so proud that Fred was able to chaperone, and I was thankful that I got to hear their performance (even if I did sit and have a pity party at my desk, because I wasn't able to be there in person).

We are blessed.