Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Walking the Halls

Last night was one of those nights where it was kind of exhausting being a mom.  I had been at work all day and made it to IHS just in time for Meet the Teacher Night.  Fred (bless him) made it home in time to get Jonathan to Memorial Stadium for 5:30 p.m practice or this mama would have made it, but she would have probably cried.

Meet the Teacher Night required me to walk Jonathan's schedule and learn about his classes.  I am thankful that I only have one in high school right now.  There were many moms alone trying to prioritize two schedules.  I have to admit that I was a little jealous of those families that were there with their child and I identified with those moms there walking the schedule alone.

All the teachers were super nice.  There were some that I loved. Some that I thought were nice enough and one that I'm a little worried about.  Back and forth I went from B Hall to C Hall.  Up the stairs and down the stairs.  Every single time I go to IHS, I wear this one particular pair of cute shoes that flop a little on the back of my heels.  I don't notice how badly they fit until I'm heading down the stairs at Independence.  They make so much noise.  The last time, Jonathan just hung his head in shame.  Yesterday, I was kind of glad that Jonathan wasn't with me as I took the stairs.

I was exhausted, hungry and really wanted to be at Memorial Stadium watching my son's practice.  I was headed down the hall looking for Jon's Communication class when there she was like a beacon in the night sky. Dear, sweet Yeates called out to me and gave me a big hug and sent me on my way to the rest of my classes.  I wish I could have taken her with me for the rest of the night, but she had her own class to take care of.  She was the highlight of my night and helped me make it through the rest of the evening.  I love her (only she knows how much)!

There were two teachers that just made my day-- Coach Mokler and Sra. Ginn.  Coach Mokler is Jonathan's Chemistry teacher and we first acknowledged and discussed how Jonathan is performing far below his capability.  Then she told me how smart Jonathan is and how impressed she is that he can complete the problems without showing his work.  She said some very nice things about Jonathan that touched this Mom's heart.

Due to a family emergency, Jonathan's Spanish II teacher was not there.  I was redirected to Ms. Ginn's room.  She was his Spanish I teacher.  Jonathan loved having her last year.  She is a super touchy-feely/huggy person.  She recognized me right away and hugged me.  As I was leaving, I told her that she had been Jonathan's favorite teacher.  Favorite teachers are hard to come by in Jonathan's world.  He was so excited on the first day of Spanish last year.  He told me all about how his new teacher was just like Aunt Angel.  He really liked her.  When I met her last year, she had nothing but compliments for my boy.  Yesterday, she told me that if he could get a schedule change that she would love to have him in her class again.

I made it to Memorial Stadium in time to see about 5 minutes of their show.  Afterwards, we came home and Jonathan had homework and we ate Sonic at 10:00 p.m.  Yep, you read that right.  These are the nights that you feel like you could do so much better as a parent.  But, today is a new day, right?

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