Friday, September 25, 2015

Happy Non-National Daughters' Day

Yesterday, I started seeing posts about National Daughters' Day.  Some Posts speculated that they were a day late.  Either way, my feed was blowing up with beautiful sentiments of love for daughters along with sweet pictures.

Then, people started researching and discovering there apparently is no National Daughters' Day.  It was all a hoax.  Some people seemed sad.  Some filled my feed with cynicism

Here's what I say.  Who cares!  So there wasn't a National Daughters' Day.  But, for one day, my feed was filled with love and beauty.  I'll take it.

As my dad would say, I was a day late and a dollar short on the whole National Daughters' Day or is it a dollar waiting on a dime?  Either way, I missed it.

To my Jessie:  I admire your strength and your compassion.  Those qualities will serve you well in life.  You are stronger than you know.  You have an amazing ability to work with children of all capabilities.  While you are quirky, crazy and fun, your interests are completely foreign to me.  However, that is what makes you who you are and I wouldn't change that for anything.

I love you so much and I am proud of you!

Happy National Daughters' Day!

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