Sunday, September 20, 2015

O Ye that Embark

On Wednesday, we divided up into groups and headed out to wherever our hearts desired as long as we were back in time to present a picture that represented our 2015 Mutual Theme in some way.

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day." D&C 4:2

We had the cutest group.  Jaiden, Emilee, Sam, Brendan, Parker, Anndie and Sydney.  It took us awhile to develop a plan, but finally Jaiden remembered a park that she had been to that had a covered wagon, so we headed that way. 
They made sure they could present a collage of pictures and they talked about the pioneers embarking on a journey and how important it is to be surrounded by friends with the same values.  I was pretty proud of this amazing group.

Jonathan was in a cute little group that told a story about embarking on a journey across a pond in the dark and murky water.  It was pretty funny.

Afterwards, they took cute pictures.  Lots and lots of cute pictures.

And, the leaders took one too!

What a great year we've had learning to "embark in service of God."  I have loved this year's mutual theme. 

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