Saturday, September 5, 2015

Get Ready to Rumble

This Independence High School's 2nd year and our 2nd annual Rumble was August 15th.  The Rumble is an opportunity for the extracurricular sports and activities to shine. It is also an opportunity for them to sell their wares, so they can make some money.

The Rumble allows every extracurricular sport/activity to run through the  tunnel like the football players while the band plays the fight song for them.  Do you know how many times the band played the fight song, while everyone ran/walked through.  It felt like a million.  However, I felt excited for those kids. I love that we do that.

Just so we're clear, the band doesn't get to run through the tunnel.  For one thing, I don't think the sousaphone and drums fit through the tunnel.  And, another thing, who would play the fight song for them?  They march down to the end of the field, so they can get into position.  Still, it is pretty exciting.  I waited and waited for the swim team, so that we could take a picture of the swim team and our favorite swim coach.  Hmmm... they never showed up!  Turns out, running through the tunnel was optional.  

After the band plays the fight song 500,000 times, we get to watch a little scrimmage and hang out with friends!

What more could you ask for!  I just love the tradition of the Rumble!

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