Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Go Knights!

The Independence Knights played the Princeton Panthers last Thursday.  It was our first game of the season.  Our boys tried really hard and gave the band several opportunities to play the Fight Song! I think the final score was 39-27.  Not bad, I tell ya!

Princeton's Fight Song just happens to be Washington and Lee Swing also known as Community High School's (my alma mater) Fight Song.  I really, really love that song.  I feel like it is bad form to clap along to your opponent's Fight Song.  You probably aren't supposed to yell Go, Big Blue or Git 'Em Braves, Git 'Em!  (You read that right.  It is git.  Not get.) I mostly apologize to my friends at IHS.  I couldn't quite help it.  I still yell BRAVES in my head when the Star Spangled Banner is sung and it gets to the part that goes "and the home of the brave."   Old habits die hard, I guess.

Everyone worked so hard and played well.  Those tubas were in fine form.  I feel like someone needs to get those squirrely boys in sync if they are going to let them dance around in the stands.

The band's performance was amazing!

I am so proud of their new show, Metamorphosis.  They've come so far since last year.  Jonathan says there is more to the show than what we've seen.

I went to the game by myself, since Fred was under the weather, but I hooped and hollered enough for both of us!

Wouldn't you hate to get stuck behind a bunch of drums and tubas?  Or, wouldn't you hate to lose your footing and fall backwards and then cause a domino effect with all those large instruments?

I sat behind the Royals all night, so that I could be close to the band.  This was my view.  Fred usually likes to sit on the 50 yard line.  Since I was by myself, I got to sit over by the band!

And, the first game of the season is in the books!

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