Tuesday, September 1, 2015

One Year Older and Wiser, Too

Last Friday, we celebrated our sweet friend, Rod.  Not only was I happy to celebrate his birthday, I was happy that he picked Outback for his celebration.  It is one of my most favorite places.  I stuffed myself silly with steak and baked potato.  I personally chose not to partake of their yummy bread, so that I could have more room in my tummy for what I came to eat-- meat and potatoes.  However, Fred and Jaiden came for the bread.  They sat next to each other and shared loaf after loaf of bread and tub after tub of butter.  And, that was before the meal arrived.

Fred is serious about his bread.  My mom once threatened to serve garlic bread instead of rolls for dinner and Fred "jokingly" said he wasn't coming to dinner.  He was joking, but I think he was half serious.  Now, he has a bread friend.  Fred and Jaiden were serious about that bread, too!  I also think they were more than a little offended when I suggested they slow down.  I mean the bread was flowing like wine (if we drank wine, that is).

We are so thankful for great friends to celebrate birthdays with, to stuff ourselves silly with and to eat good bread with!  And, we think that Rod is the best!

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