Monday, August 31, 2015

Fun Friends on a Saturday Night

Saturday night, Fred and I spent a wonderful evening with the youth and other leaders from our ward (congregation).  We had the opportunity to attend an FC Dallas game and had so much fun.  We have amazing youth and leaders.  I feel so blessed that I get to hang out with all of these wonderful people.

Jaiden brought 2 friends.  Jessie seemed to find common interests with one of them.  They talked about all kinds of things that were foreign to me.  They traded numbers, so they could continue to talk about quirky/weird stuff.

Fred and I knew that our first attempt at a selfie was a fail.  What we didn't realize was that we had a photobomber in the background.   I posted this pic on Facebook and Instagram.  The Colony ward happened to be sitting behind us.  His daughter and granddaughter both claimed him.  One on Facebook and one on Instagram.  How funny!

And, last but certainly not least, I had the opportunity to get to know this awesome Beehive-to-be.  I mean I knew her before, but I feel like I really got a sense of her precious, fun, sweet and energetic personality.  I am counting down the days until we can be Personal Progress buddies.

I am so thankful for each of the youth and each of the leaders that I spent Saturday night with.  They are such great examples to both me and my family.  I am thankful that my family can spend a Saturday night hanging out with them and having fun.

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