Monday, August 10, 2015

Good News

So, when I visit the Laurels class on Sundays they go around the room and share their good news-- or fun activity from the week.  I am never prepared, because I forget that they do this.  I think I said something lame-o about having gone to see a movie the night before.  Well, after I had gone, I wanted to scream, "Wait, I take mine back!  My good news is that I got to see my sweet friend, Susan on Friday!"  I only got to see her for a moment at a wedding reception, because she was so very busy.  However, she greeted me with the biggest and best hug and I was so very happy to see her.

Once upon a time, I was a YW 2nd Counselor and Susan was our Beehive Adviser.  I could sit and listen to her teach for hours and hours.  She is my favorite teacher.  I love to listen to her teach.  I know those Beehives loved to listen to her teach, too.  On Sundays, my family would just motion to me that they would be waiting for me in the car.  They always knew that it would take Susan and I a few minutes to wrap up.  On Wednesdays, after mutual, we would be in the parking lot talking (in the dark) late into the night.  Fred would text me to see if I was EVER coming home.  We would be standing in the parking lot solving the world's problems-- or at least worrying about our sweet girls.  It was always hard getting up the next morning, but I loved standing there talking to Susan on those  Wednesday nights.

Our Jessie hit a few snags in life during her sophomore year of high school and we didn't feel it was safe to leave her home alone.  We were afraid that she might hurt herself.  I left work each day and picked her up from school and brought her back to work with me.  It was a crazy and stressful time of life, for sure.  I didn't really tell people what was going on or ask for help.  I just kind of dug in and went to work.  It's hard to ask for help when your are going through that kind of hurt.  Susan knew what we were going through, because we were serving so closely together and because we spent Wednesday nights solving the world's problems.  (Those Wednesday nights were my only time away from my problems.)  Susan started picking Jessie up a couple of days a week from school, so that I could have a break.  It stressed me out at first to have help, but she didn't take no for an answer and it was really good for Jessie to have that time away from me.  They baked together and played with Susan's granddaughter which are Jessie's two favorite things in life.  I will be eternally grateful for the service that Susan provided during that time when we needed help.  I know Jessie will, too. 

I was so sad when Susan moved!  I loved serving with Susan.  She is absolutely one of my favorite people on this earth.  We had so much fun with our Beehives and my testimony grew as I learned from her example.  She taught us about the gospel, loving others and about how to serve others.  

These cute Beehives are now Laurels and we all miss her and think of her often.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow! I didn't know all that. I don't cry but you have totally chocked me up. My eyes are wet. You are my example. I have always been so impressed with your faithfulness. You quietly serve with all you have. You love completely and unconditionally. You see the good and the possibilities and love the quirks. I am so grateful the YW get to have you in their lives. I am so grateful I get to have you on my life. I completely adore you.