Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Walking the Halls

Last night was one of those nights where it was kind of exhausting being a mom.  I had been at work all day and made it to IHS just in time for Meet the Teacher Night.  Fred (bless him) made it home in time to get Jonathan to Memorial Stadium for 5:30 p.m practice or this mama would have made it, but she would have probably cried.

Meet the Teacher Night required me to walk Jonathan's schedule and learn about his classes.  I am thankful that I only have one in high school right now.  There were many moms alone trying to prioritize two schedules.  I have to admit that I was a little jealous of those families that were there with their child and I identified with those moms there walking the schedule alone.

All the teachers were super nice.  There were some that I loved. Some that I thought were nice enough and one that I'm a little worried about.  Back and forth I went from B Hall to C Hall.  Up the stairs and down the stairs.  Every single time I go to IHS, I wear this one particular pair of cute shoes that flop a little on the back of my heels.  I don't notice how badly they fit until I'm heading down the stairs at Independence.  They make so much noise.  The last time, Jonathan just hung his head in shame.  Yesterday, I was kind of glad that Jonathan wasn't with me as I took the stairs.

I was exhausted, hungry and really wanted to be at Memorial Stadium watching my son's practice.  I was headed down the hall looking for Jon's Communication class when there she was like a beacon in the night sky. Dear, sweet Yeates called out to me and gave me a big hug and sent me on my way to the rest of my classes.  I wish I could have taken her with me for the rest of the night, but she had her own class to take care of.  She was the highlight of my night and helped me make it through the rest of the evening.  I love her (only she knows how much)!

There were two teachers that just made my day-- Coach Mokler and Sra. Ginn.  Coach Mokler is Jonathan's Chemistry teacher and we first acknowledged and discussed how Jonathan is performing far below his capability.  Then she told me how smart Jonathan is and how impressed she is that he can complete the problems without showing his work.  She said some very nice things about Jonathan that touched this Mom's heart.

Due to a family emergency, Jonathan's Spanish II teacher was not there.  I was redirected to Ms. Ginn's room.  She was his Spanish I teacher.  Jonathan loved having her last year.  She is a super touchy-feely/huggy person.  She recognized me right away and hugged me.  As I was leaving, I told her that she had been Jonathan's favorite teacher.  Favorite teachers are hard to come by in Jonathan's world.  He was so excited on the first day of Spanish last year.  He told me all about how his new teacher was just like Aunt Angel.  He really liked her.  When I met her last year, she had nothing but compliments for my boy.  Yesterday, she told me that if he could get a schedule change that she would love to have him in her class again.

I made it to Memorial Stadium in time to see about 5 minutes of their show.  Afterwards, we came home and Jonathan had homework and we ate Sonic at 10:00 p.m.  Yep, you read that right.  These are the nights that you feel like you could do so much better as a parent.  But, today is a new day, right?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Some of My People

I recently read a book called Home is Where My People Are:The Roads that Lead Us to Where We Belong.  Well, if  home is where my people are, then some of my people just happened to be at Texas Roadhouse celebrating our girl Madison's 12th birthday.

Madison was deserving of a big celebration.  She spreads sunshine and laughter wherever she goes.  She is pretty much a one woman party.  I love her attitude.  If you want to have a good time, then stick with Madison, because you can't have a bad time when you are with Madison.  Another thing I love about Madison is that she had to decide between the 6 oz and the 8 oz fillet for dinner!  I love that she loves steak, because it is my favorite, too.

These kids have been friend/cousins (some really are cousins and some just love each other like cousins) their whole lives.  That is such a blessing and something that they can take with them and hold to forever.  We are missing our sweet Laura and Katy.

I love my people and I am so thankful that I have them.  I only get to see them on special occasions, because the crazies in this picture keep us all so busy.  We hope to see each other at Halloween, because that is our holiday.  The one where Angel talks the big kids into begging for candy even though they are way too old.  The holiday where I have to eat beans in my chili even though I hate beans.  The holiday where the men man the candy table and overwhelm the kids with so many candy choices.  Yep, it's our holiday.

Home is where your people are.  I am so fortunate to have so many people that care about the Fortenberrys.

P.S. I asked Jonathan why he crossed his eyes and he told me he thought Aunt Angel was done taking pictures! (Geez Louise.  I give up!)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

Last Friday night our boys played the Little Elm Lobos.  Will someone call me up and let me know what a Lobo is?  Please?  I need to figure this out.  Fred said that it is like a wolf or a coyote.  

By the way #24 (I think that was his number) is our cute friend Parker.  He plays on JV but got moved up to Varsity for this game.  

It was our Forthcoming and we won 20-14!  It was exciting.  It was our first district win, ever!  And, only our third win in the history of the school.  Being a new school is exciting, but it can be hard.

Grandma and PawPaw Larry were in town so they got to attend Forthcoming with us. 

We cheered and cheered and held our breath!  There were some scary parts, I'll be honest.

The band was amazing.  They have worked so hard on their show performance.  I can't even believe how awesome they are.  I just love how far they've come since last year.

After the game, we went to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard.  I think everyone else thought it would be a perfect place to celebrate a Victory.  I don't blame them.  

A Mini Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard = victory to me!

Don't forget to scroll down and enjoy the pictures of the band!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Happy Non-National Daughters' Day

Yesterday, I started seeing posts about National Daughters' Day.  Some Posts speculated that they were a day late.  Either way, my feed was blowing up with beautiful sentiments of love for daughters along with sweet pictures.

Then, people started researching and discovering there apparently is no National Daughters' Day.  It was all a hoax.  Some people seemed sad.  Some filled my feed with cynicism

Here's what I say.  Who cares!  So there wasn't a National Daughters' Day.  But, for one day, my feed was filled with love and beauty.  I'll take it.

As my dad would say, I was a day late and a dollar short on the whole National Daughters' Day or is it a dollar waiting on a dime?  Either way, I missed it.

To my Jessie:  I admire your strength and your compassion.  Those qualities will serve you well in life.  You are stronger than you know.  You have an amazing ability to work with children of all capabilities.  While you are quirky, crazy and fun, your interests are completely foreign to me.  However, that is what makes you who you are and I wouldn't change that for anything.

I love you so much and I am proud of you!

Happy National Daughters' Day!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nobody's Cuter Than You

I love this book so much!  I think it has to be one of my most favorite books ever - just behind The Little House books, Anne of Green Gables and The Work and the Glory series.  (And, it should go without saying that I'm not counting the scriptures in there-- that's a  whole different level.)

This is a book about friendship and I've bought it for a couple of sweet friends.  So, if you've received it from me, then you know that I think you are pretty darn special.  And, I think that Nobody's Cuter than You!

A good friend will love you, support you and cheer you on.  A good friend doesn't make you feel inadequate or like you're not good enough.  A good friend won't dump you when someone better comes along or ask you to comprise who you are and what you believe.
-Melanie Shankle

9/25/15   P.S.  How could I forget my most favorite book of all times, The Help?   I love that book.  can't believe I left it off my list above.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Love Languages

I don't know if you've ever read The Five Love Languages.  But, here is how our love languages break out... my love love language is Positive Affirmations and Fred's is Acts of Service.  You would think that would make us incompatible considering neither one of us excels at the other's love language.

Currently, I am in charge of getting Jonathan to 6:00 a.m. seminary and then from seminary to 7:00 a.m. band practice.  I consider it my "act of service" that I allow Fred to sleep in the mornings, because there are many mornings that I want to scream, "Please help me get YOUR child moving!!!"  In contrast, I am sure Fred believes that it would be a great act of service, if we could be a little quieter in the mornings and use far less lights.

This morning, I got up at 5: 20 or maybe I hit snooze until 5:30.  Either way, I rolled out of bed and found Jonathan's lunch and water bottles all prepared and set out on the table.  

Acts of service aren't my main love language, but I sure do appreciate them-- especially at the pre-dawn hour.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Try a Little Harder

I don't remember last year being so hard.  Maybe it was.  Sometimes Fred and I have different expectations on how a night is going to proceed.  I made a grocery list and left it for Fred and then grabbed my keys, so that I could go pick up Jonathan from band practice.  Fred loves to grocery shop.  I don't.  It is only natural that I would think that he would buy groceries while I ran to pick Jonathan up, right?  Instead, Fred imagined that we'd both go pick Jonathan up from band practice.  Then, we'd go out to eat.  After that, we'd hit the grocery store.  It was a nice thought and an enjoyable evening.  (Except for the part about the groceries.)  Only one problem.  Jonathan dozed off without taking a shower last night.  We woke him up several times and he kept falling asleep.  Finally, at around 11:00p.m. he got up for his shower.  This put the entire family to bed way too late. 

This morning my alarm went off telling me that it was 5:20 a.m. and time to get up.  I snoozed and snoozed and snoozed until 5:40.  One problem.  There was no rushing Jonathan.  He was exhausted.  We finally shuffled out the door and arrived at seminary at 6:25!  Fred wondered out loud (from the comfort of his nice, soft and comfortable bed) if it was even worth it to go and I exclaimed that we were going even if it was only for five minutes!  Jonathan has to leave at 6:40 for band, so he only got in 15 minutes of seminary, but he was there for a few minutes.  I'm sure it seemed silly, but if I let him sleep in that one time, then he would push me to sleep in every time.  Not to mention, I would let myself sleep in!  It really did seem ridiculous, but we did it.

I dropped him off at IHS for band practice and drove back home.  Tired and possibly a little cranky, I saw the prettiest sunrise.  Maybe that was our reward for such a challenging morning.  

"Try a little harder to be a little better."
-President Hinckley

Sunday, September 20, 2015

O Ye that Embark

On Wednesday, we divided up into groups and headed out to wherever our hearts desired as long as we were back in time to present a picture that represented our 2015 Mutual Theme in some way.

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day." D&C 4:2

We had the cutest group.  Jaiden, Emilee, Sam, Brendan, Parker, Anndie and Sydney.  It took us awhile to develop a plan, but finally Jaiden remembered a park that she had been to that had a covered wagon, so we headed that way. 
They made sure they could present a collage of pictures and they talked about the pioneers embarking on a journey and how important it is to be surrounded by friends with the same values.  I was pretty proud of this amazing group.

Jonathan was in a cute little group that told a story about embarking on a journey across a pond in the dark and murky water.  It was pretty funny.

Afterwards, they took cute pictures.  Lots and lots of cute pictures.

And, the leaders took one too!

What a great year we've had learning to "embark in service of God."  I have loved this year's mutual theme. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Cezar and Odin Chronicles

A couple of weeks ago, Fred and I had been out late with friends. Jonathan had band practice that evening, so we seemed to have missed each other that night.  Fred and I left before he got home and he was in bed by the time we got back.  However, I found this creepy little gem on my love seat.  The Cezar and Odin Chronicles.  I'm not sure which frightens me more, the evil looking squirrel or the giant guinea pig.  If you find this in a comic book store near you, then you know that I stand corrected!  Meanwhile, I'll be having nightmares of evil squirrels and giant guinea pigs.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Letter to My Grandma

Dear Grandma,

Happy Birthday to my sweet and sassy Grandma.
We miss you so much!

How thankful I am that I had you for all those years.  You taught me how to loosen up and have fun. Sometimes we got into some mischief and kept it our little secret.  Or at least I kept a secret until we were both too old for my mom to get too mad at us.  I think that you were the best Grandma that I could have ever had.  You were just the Grandma that I needed.  A little fun, a little sassy, a little stubborn, and a little sneaky.  You were perfectly perfect for me. You always made me laugh.  Every single time I visited you.  And, oh, the fun we had!

I sure do wish we could hang out together.  Maybe go to the Crossroads Mall.  Watch Dallas together. Or, hit the TCBY yogurt!

Thank you for being the coolest Grandma in town!

Love you,

I have posted this poem before and I read it at her funeral.  Here it is again.

A grandma is a remarkable woman.
She's a wonderful combination of
warmth and kindness, laughter and love.
She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams,
and praises our every success.

A grandma has the wisdom of a teacher,
the sincerity of a true friend,
and the tenderness of a mother.
She's someone we admire, respect and
love very much.

A grandma will always have a cherished
place in our memories and in our hearts.
She's someone for whom we want every happiness
in return for the joy she always brings.

A grandma is all the dear and precious
things in life...
When she's a grandma like you.

-author unknown-

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Me and the Boys

The boys and I attended Fred's company picnic this weekend.  I'll be honest.  I went against my will.  It was at Sandy Lake Amusement Park.  I think they should consider removing the word Amusement from their name.  Seriously.  They should.

In the end, I was glad we went, because I've been on a lucky streak lately.  I've been winning lots of stuff at work. It's been pretty exciting.  I never win anything.  Unless you count the Nouveau bowling tournament the night before Jessie was born.  And, it might not have been worth it. Okay, it most definitely wasn't worth it, because we ended up at the hospital the next morning.  I think we won a gift certificate to a restaurant that we weren't able to use for a very long time, because we ended up with a newborn ahead of schedule.  But, I digress.  Where I was going with this whole winning streak  thing is that we won a 40" Smart TV that we can put in our bedroom, so that I can watch Netflix! 

They fed us barbecue and we sat around talking while there was face painting and games.  Then we were given 30 tickets a piece for rides.  Plus, there must have been extra tickets, because Fred and Jonathan each ended up with an additional 30 tickets.  Jonathan was excited about the Spider.  Let me tell you, I remember the Spider getting closed down when I was young, because someone lost their lunch.  I didn't want to be bad sport, but every ride went around and around.  I don't do those kind of rides because they make me quite sick.  I'm more of a light roller coaster girl.  Think Judge Roy Scream at Six Flags.  I went one time on the Spider with Fred.  There was too much of a weight difference.  Our bucket/car thingy was spinning and spinning.  I think I felt my barbecue in my throat.  Jonathan used all of his tickets on the Spider.  He stayed in and just kept giving the guy ticket after ticket.  I thought I was going to die.  It took me all evening to recover.  I took Dramamine when I got home to help with upset stomach that I still had.  Went in a dark, quiet room and went to bed.  Clearly, I am an old woman.

I hope that I never have to go back to that place ever... unless they're giving away TVs!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

America the Beautiful

Our Independence Knights played the Liberty Redhawks at Memorial Stadium on 9/11.  At the end of halftime, the two bands took the field together and played America the Beautiful in honor of 9/11.  Two bands with such fitting names-- Independence and Liberty in a stadium named Memorial.  It was such a very special moment.

You can't help but be proud of all these musicians.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hold to the Rod

This summer, our youth had the opportunity to participate in a super fun and kind of stressful activity.  It was an "Iron Rod" activity that allowed the youth to step into Lehi's Dream from The Book of Mormon.

In Lehi's Dream there was an iron rod alongside a river that led to a tree.  The iron rod represents the word of God and the tree represents God's love for us.  In Lehi's dream there was a mist that covered the area so that they could not see.  They would sometimes wonder away from the iron rod and become lost.  The mist represents the temptation that we all face.  There was also a large and spacious building.  Some people lost their way and ended up in the large and spacious building which symbolizes the pride of the world. (This is my over simplification to set up the activity, but you can read here and here.)

The "iron rod" was a course of sorts made from a rope and wound from tree to tree.  Several objects were placed in the way.  Ropes that weren't part of the iron rod were also included to confuse the youth, so that they might go the wrong way and be led astray.

The Priests (16-18 year old boys) and their tricky leaders were in charge of the activity. The Young Men leaders served as "tempters" and the Young Women leaders served as "angels."  Well, almost all of the YW leaders were angels.  Anda served as a temptress to confuse them a little.  For some reason they didn't think I would make a very good temptress.  Whatever!!! 

The youth were blindfolded and given a brick to carry at all times.  The brick symbolized their trials.  They were led to the iron rod where angels would help guide them through the course.  They had to keep one hand on the iron rod at all times and hold on to their brick at all times.

While angels were doing angel work, the tempters were hard at work tempting.  Some of the tempters would try to gain their trust.  Others were just plain mean.   Anda made me laugh, because she physically got into her job even though they couldn't see her.

Fred and Tony made me so mad. And, I'm not even joking when I say they made me mad.  I literally mean they made me mad.  They were squirting those kids and their angels with water.  Tony started tying ropes on to the iron rod, so that they would think it was a "turn" they were supposed to take.  I took my angeling seriously.  No one fell away on my watch.  I kicked obstacles away.  Yelled at tempters.  And, didn't let them even touch those pesky ropes.  I thought all of that was crazy.  Each time a new group of youth would come through, those men-- especially Fred and Tony would get trickier and trickier.  It would make me more and more frustrated.  They laughed and laughed.  I wanted to cry. This is real stuff, people. I wanted to cry.  I'm not even lying.

Leading these youth seriously stressed me out.  You've heard of No Child Left Behind.  No Youth Fell Off The Path on my watch.  Which was not the point of the exercise.  I get it.  This mama's heart couldn't bear to have one of mine fall off the path.  I wouldn't let it happen.

If they fell away, they were taken to the repentance box where they received counseling from Brother Reinsch and Brother Call. 

Each time they came back from the repentance box, they were given another brick to hold.  My heart broke for Cannon.  He had two bricks and I was determined to get him through without having to go back to the repentance box again.  We worked so hard together.

My own son had 3 bricks!  He said that he had a defective angel in the beginning-- Brother Dwarf!  That made me laugh.  He meant Brother Dorff.  Brother Dorff was a tempter, so he didn't have an angel at all!  In the end, he had his mom, so he made it safely without having to add another brick.

The boys were easily tempted by the men, because they trusted their leaders.  The girls instinctively knew to listen for the women and to block out the men.  When they got towards the end, Bishop would make the angels stop helping.  The youth would have to find their way by themselves.  They would be so nervous without their angels.  They would often call out, "I want Sister Fortenberry" or "Where is my angel?"  That killed me and hurt every one of my feelings.  I think I cried a little bit.  Cute Cannon refused to take another step without me.  Bishop finally told me that I needed to tell him that he should start moving.  When they got to the very end, Bishop was standing there and said, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

I took a couple of things away that night.  One is that as the night went on, the tempters got craftier and trickier.  They got more and more cunning with each group that came through.  The adversary is like that, too.  

It was exhausting being an angel.  I gave my youth so much direction that I didn't have a single one fall off the path.  I didn't want to be responsible for a single one having to go to the repentance box.  This is probably why the men got so crafty.  I am this way in life.  I want to be sitting on each of their shoulders helping them when they need me, but I can't always be there.  

It also broke my heart when Bishop wouldn't let me help them.  I know I've been in that situation with my own kids where I've had to let them spread their wings and fly, but they've wanted me to hold their hands.  Or, in BYC, when I've had those cute Beehives and Bishop expects leaders to sit quietly while the Presidents do all the talking, representing and planning.  I had one new Beehive President that was scared to death.  I wanted to rescue her more than anything.  By the way, she went on to be an amazing President.

Those tricky men and Priests put on an amazing activity that our youth (and leaders) will remember for a very long time.

Friday, September 11, 2015

I Do Like Apple!

So, Fred came home a couple of weeks ago with this lovely little number on his head.  He managed to slice his head open on a razor wire fence at work.  He was the lucky recipient of seven staples.  After I knew he was ok, I have to confess that this sock that they put on his head tickled me.

I have not ever seen the movie, Tammy with Melissa McCarthy.  It is Rated R, so I'm going to guess that it has too many bad words for me.  However, there was a conversation at work that caused me to watch the trailer.  I have to say that I really, really, really wish this movie was PG-13.

Fred's sock reminded me of the movie Tammy.  So, from what I gather, Tammy was fired from her job at a fast food restaurant.  As most of us would do, she put a brown paper bag on her head and went in and robbed the restaurant.  She asked them for all their fried pies.  When her former co-worker asked if she liked apple, she exclaims, "I do like apple!"  For some reason, I just kept seeing in my head, Fred going down and holding up a Whataburger and taking all their fried pies.  I could hear him saying, "I do like apple!"  I couldn't stop giggling at the ridiculous thought.  After all, he would probably go to the 7/11 instead and hit them up for all their Diet Mountain Dews.  That thought is a little less ridiculous...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

And, That's Why I Don't Eat Gravy!

Once upon a time, we were visiting Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe.  Auntie Jan fixed gravy for breakfast.  At that time, Jonathan was a picky eater and had never tried it before.  This particular morning, he decided to try to eat it and seemed to enjoy it.  Next thing I know, he was locked in the bathroom for what seemed like a long time.  When he came out, I inquired if he was ok.  He was really grumpy about the situation.  In his grumpiest of grumpy voices he said, "And, that's why I don't eat gravy!"  We still laugh about that.  It is one of our favorite quotes.  We'll be saying it until we're in the nursing home.  Funniest thing ever!  Jonathan doesn't think it is quite as funny as we do, because he feels that the gravy really did cause him some intestinal discomfort and we are truly mean to still be laughing bout it.

As you may be aware, Lays puts out new chips every year in some oddball flavors.  Fred loves to buy them and try them.  We were at Walmart a couple of weeks ago and Fred grabbed a bag of Lays Southern Biscuits and Gravy.  Jonathan thought they were delicious.  However, he made sure to let us know that these potato chips would be the closest thing he ever gets to gravy ever again.

Seriously, this was like 5 years ago when Jonathan experienced his gravy induced intestinal discomfort.  Note to self:  Jonathan will hold a grudge forever.  He will never give you a second chance.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Twisted Twister

Our Young Women had the most amazing game of Twister last week.

It involved what I hope was washable paint.  The bottle said Washable.  I promise!  This activity was on the calendar last year.  I bought washable paint for it and never took it back.  Thank goodness, because it ended up finally happening.  And, it was a winner.

This activity required two Twister mats, a lot of washable paint, a cute caller and some fun-loving young women.  I feel like many of these Yong Women managed to get more paint on them than necessary.  After all, it was Messy Twister, right?

Did I also mention that some super-chill leaders were required?  The leaders didn't play-- I don't want to speak for the other leaders, but there is a good chance that I could get into the Twister postions, but most likely I would not be able to get up off the mat.  

Two minutes into the game, I received a slimy hug from our enthusiastic Beehives.  They also painted on my arm.  I don't know how that always happens.

Even Carly's baby was not safe from the paint love.

This picture says it all!  Paint causes teenagers to lose their minds. This is a true story.  

My favorite picture from the night.  Could be my favorite picture ever, because Sydney's face is just priceless. 

I love this cute group of messy girls.  They are amazing-- even when they are completely covered with paint and losing their mind with craziness because of it. I just can't get enough of them.  This activity reminded me why I love Beehives so much.  There is such a sweet and fun innocence about them.  They love everyone and they share that love.  They giggle.  They have fun.  I am also reminded of why I love Mia Maids so much.  They are easily distracted.  They do everything big.  They have big fun and they have big hearts.  And, of course, the Laurels.  Those sweet Laurels have my heart forever and always.  I've known them since they were 12.  They have grown into such amazing leaders with fun personalities.

How blessed am I that I get to rub elbows with these Young Women?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Get Ready to Rumble

This Independence High School's 2nd year and our 2nd annual Rumble was August 15th.  The Rumble is an opportunity for the extracurricular sports and activities to shine. It is also an opportunity for them to sell their wares, so they can make some money.

The Rumble allows every extracurricular sport/activity to run through the  tunnel like the football players while the band plays the fight song for them.  Do you know how many times the band played the fight song, while everyone ran/walked through.  It felt like a million.  However, I felt excited for those kids. I love that we do that.

Just so we're clear, the band doesn't get to run through the tunnel.  For one thing, I don't think the sousaphone and drums fit through the tunnel.  And, another thing, who would play the fight song for them?  They march down to the end of the field, so they can get into position.  Still, it is pretty exciting.  I waited and waited for the swim team, so that we could take a picture of the swim team and our favorite swim coach.  Hmmm... they never showed up!  Turns out, running through the tunnel was optional.  

After the band plays the fight song 500,000 times, we get to watch a little scrimmage and hang out with friends!

What more could you ask for!  I just love the tradition of the Rumble!