Thursday, April 30, 2015

Music Notes

Since it is no longer marching season, you must think that we have not had the opportunity to hear our fine band play.  Oh, but you are so very wrong.  They have had several concerts.

There was a Christmas Concert (that will have to be a separate post-- not ready to post about Christmas yet), a Winter Concert and a Pre-UIL Concert.
It is pretty frustrating when your child is a tuba player.  You really can't see him in concerts.  They streamed the Winter Concert Live.  Oh, yes they did.  We might be a new school and much smaller than all those other Frisco schools, but we are just as fancy.  My brother was able to watch Jonathan's concert from Lawton, Oklahoma while we watched from the auditorium at Independence High School.  He had better seats than we did.  Jeff texted and told us which one was Jonathan. I might stay home next time and watch from home.
I always take a picture of Faith for two reasons-- 1) she plays clarinet and I love the clarinet and clarinet players and 2) I love Faith so much and I always text her after a concert and let her know how awesome she did and remind her that I think that clarinets are the best.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Pre-UIL concert.  It was the same song, second verse.  I could barely see that crazy boy.  Just his tuba.
And, like always I took a picture of Faith.  And, like always I texted Faith my undying love after their performance, but you have no idea how amazing she was.  I'm not lying or saying that because I'm biased.  I would say that even if I didn't love her or clarinets.  She truly was the best musician of the entire night.  I love her!

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