Monday, April 13, 2015

The Best Part of Waking Up

So, I hate...hate...hate mornings.  It is really hard for me to wake up.  I set like 5 alarms and always still oversleep.  Waking up to get Jonathan to seminary is the bain of my existence.  I wake up slow and tired and late and then Jonathan moans and groans and then we get him to seminary late.  But, once we get rolling, we are both happy.  Jonathan is happy to be at seminary and that makes me happy.  I sit in the car and wait for him, because we have figured out that works best.  If I try to come home and start getting ready, then you can bet that I will be late to pick him up or I will have to head back with half fixed hair.  It is all so very stressful.  So, I sit in the parking lot with a few other parents.  I sit and I read my scriptures.  I have come to appreciate that time in the morning.  I am not a scriptorian and I feel so inferior to most people, but I do love that I can sit and read every morning. Before Daylight Savings Time, I got to watch the sunrise, too! It was a win-win!

Not sure who to credit this quote to, but I love it:

"The scriptures are meant to be used like bread... for daily use.  Not like cake... for just special occasions."

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