Monday, April 27, 2015

And They Walked

 Our amazing youth planned a trip to our LDS Temple in Dallas.  But, it wasn't any trip.  They planned to walk to the temple.  The young women planned the trip and invited the young men.  It was going be a 16ish mile trip that would take 6 hours.  This is an activity that has been on the docket THREE times with three sets of leaders.  It was really important that it happen this time and I was really excited to be there.  And, then a date was finalized.  The date chosen was the weekend I was in New York.  You don't even know how devastated I was.
The morning of the trip I texted Fred and Jonathan to tell them good luck.  Do you think I got a response? No!  I texted the leaders that I serve with and they all responded back.  They all knew how heart broken I was.  One sweet leader, Cara, even sent picture of her shirt.  She had painted my name on it.  She had given me the name Wildberry last year for my Camp nickname.  It has stuck (at least with her) and even bled over to my work-life. I so love these ladies and young women and young men!
As we were at the trade show getting set up, I saw a status or two posted and some pictures.  I was so proud of these young men, women and leaders.  I was glad to get busy so that I wouldn't have an opportunity to watch the walk unfold on Facebook.  I wiped my tears and went to work.  I'm not exaggerating.  That is how it all went down.
I'm sure to those looking out their window or passing by, they must have been a sight to behold in their pink shirts, bandannas and sombreros.  I will never quite understand what was up with the sombreros (Jonathan's class wore sombreros - nothing like a 15 year old).
Can you even imagine how much heart and determination it must have taken to walk all that way?  Fred was one of the rolling aid stations.  He was worried about his knees and feet.  (It is tough getting old.)  So, he was a driver.  He met them at every break and filled them with snacks and whatever else they needed.
I am so proud of each individual that participated!
From the pictures, it looks like they always kept a smile on their face and worked hard.
Hopefully, their testimonies were strengthened and they gained an appreciation for having a temple so close to us.
Once they got there, they sat on the Temple grounds and listened to a message that President Tolbert had prepared.
This will be an activity that these young men, women and leaders will carry with them forever.

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