Wednesday, April 15, 2015

True Story

So, speaking of Rednecks, true stories and college...

When I was in college, I took Sociology.  My family didn't have cable.  Not because we were poor or anything, but because cable hadn't come to Lavon yet.  I had never heard of Jeff Foxworthy or his "You Might be a Redneck" jokes.

On the first day of class, my professor started talking about sociology and what we were going to learn and he made some sort of connection to Rednecks - I don't remember what it was now.  What I will always remember is how he launched into Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be a Redneck if..." act only I thought he was 100% serious.

He started in and the longer he went the madder I got.  By the time class was over I had my arms crossed and I was fuming.  I kept thinking, "He's making fun of my people!"

Sociology turned out to be one of my most favorite classes, but I would have never known it from that first day.

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