Friday, April 10, 2015

I Heart Easter!

Easter is my holiday!  I love it so much.  I just adore the spring weather, the Easter egg hunts with my family.  If you hear a rumor that I elbowed my mom and then knocked her down for an egg, I neither confirm nor deny that rumor.  I love Easter baskets and the Easter bunny.  I love dressing up in pretty clothes for Easter.  This year we dressed up in our new Easter finery the Sunday before Easter, because General Conference fell on Easter.  So, I wore a silver sequined top with a purple skirt. I decided to spare my boys and had them wear silver ties instead of purple ones.  I thought that was safe-- that is until my color blind son saw his tie that Sunday morning and in a grumpy teenage boy tone declared,  "Mom, why are you making me wear this tie?  You know I hate pink?"  I love Easter Sunday dinner and I love that my husband likes to cook and was happy to take over since I didn't feel good.  I love that we stayed home and watched our church's General Conference on Sunday.  What better way to spend Easter Sunday then to hear the word's of our General Authority?

And, I love my Savior and I'm thankful that he died for my sins.  I'm thankful for his atoning sacrifice.  I am so thankful that we have this Easter holiday to remember and celebrate His resurrection.

We spent Good Friday having dinner with friends and then shopping for our Saturday celebration.  On Saturday, we spent the day with my family enjoying everyone's company, picnicking and hunting for eggs.  Sunday was spent watching General Conference, having Easter dinner with my family and recuperating.  What more could you ask for?  

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend with loved ones.

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