Sunday, April 19, 2015

Welcome Home

Jaiden, Jess and Ruth watching and waiting for Emmi

Speaking of missionaries... we had the opportunity to welcome home sweet Emmi Moffitt from her mission in Orlando, Florida.  She came home on December 17th which just shows you how far behind I am.

We were so blessed that this sweet family allowed Jessie and I to join in their family celebration.  How heartwarming it was to see those first hugs exchanged when she came walking through baggage claim.  Emmi spent 18 months serving her Heavenly Father and the people in Orlando, Florida.  That meant that her family had only conversed with her by once-a-week emails and skyped her twice.  Can you even imagine?

There was definitely electricity in the air as we waited and watched for this beautiful young woman that had given up everything for 18 months.

After hugs had been exchanged and bags claimed, we went to IHOP and just enjoyed her for the morning.  I am so thankful that I chose to take that day off and spend it welcoming home this amazing missionary.

I took a few pictures, but I was hanging back so that her family could love on her.  So, they are pretty much the worst pictures ever.  But, they capture how special the moment was.

And, there she is walking so fast my phone couldn't catch it

Emmi and Ruth -- so blurry because I was probably bawling my eyes out

Emmi and Jaxon - so sweet

Emmi and Jaiden - I love these two girls!

Emmi and Rod - I just love this one, because there is just something so sweet about a dad and his daughter.

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