Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Weekend Warriors

Fred and I were childless over the weekend.  Jessie spent the weekend with the MaMaw and Grady and Jonathan was in Galveston on a band trip.  So, what were we to do?
Friday night, we headed to Irving in the gorgeous weather.  I hope you know that I am joking.  The storms were so crazy.  We went to watch my co-worker in a play.  He is so amazing-- kind of like Robin Williams. 
He is the one on the left.  He pretty much played the village idiot.  I laughed until I cried.  I was glad that we braved the storms for his performance.  At one point he had a bird cage stuck on his head.  I couldn't even breath and I think it will take me a long time to get that image out of my head.  We'll probably be sitting in meetings and I won't be able to look at him, because I'll think of him with the bird cage on his head.  Moral of the story?  If you hang with me, please don't stick a bird cage on your head, because I will remember it forever!
Saturday morning, Fred and I met our church peeps at the park to "Clean it and Green it."  We scored some sweet shirts.  I only got to help for 45 minutes, because I had a very important hair appointment at 10:00.
Oh yes, this might have been one of the most important events of the weekend.  I have been long overdue for a hair appointment, because I can only schedule for Saturday and my Saturdays are busy, let me tell you. You would think I was important or something, only I'm not.  The gray is gone for now. Until next week.  When it pops back out again.  I wonder what my hair would look like if I give up and just let it go all gray.  It would be so much easier than trying to cover up this gray spot that doesn't want to be covered.  I was in the chair from about 10:15 am. until 2:30 pm.  That is a really long time, people!

After, I finished with my hair, I stopped by a little shop and bought a birthday present, because I love to buy birthday presents and then I stopped in at the Tom Thumb and bought some toilet paper.  My kids had used up the back up to the back up on the toilet paper supply.  They use more toilet paper than a small school.  Don't even know what they do with it all.  We were out.  I kid you not.  

When I got home, Fred - who keeps our social calendar let me know what the evening plans were.  He told me that we were going out to eat with our friends, Tony and Kelly, before stake conference. I am so glad he keeps our social calendar for us, because I would never plan anything.  We have way more fun with him doing the scheduling.  We had dinner at Palios and enjoyed Stake Conference at church.  I am thankful for those friends making sure Fred made it to stake conference. Fred probably would have preferred going to a movie.

Sunday was so very special, I had the opportunity to attend Stake Conference with Michelle and Sydney Wilson.  Sydney spoke in conference and did an amazing job.  I was so proud of her maturity and poise and all of her hard work on her talk.  I can't even tell you how amazing that her girl is.  I got there early and procured us third row seats so that we could see Syd really well.  I'm not sure she appreciated that so much, but her mom was excited.  I also want to remember that President Tolbert introduced us to Elder and Sister Frost.
By the evening, we had both of our kids back home.  Jonathan had a great time on his trip.  We heard all about every detail.

I am so thankful for a fun weekend with Fred, for friends that take us under their wing, for kids that had their own adventures this weekend, for stake conference, and for sweet Sydney who taught us all how to have the Courage to Choose the Right.

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