Tuesday, April 21, 2015

First Aid Training at Its Finest

We had our Camp First Aid Night a couple of weeks ago for Young Women's.  It was organized chaos.  Our ward had a ton of leaders there and we just split up and shadowed our girls.  So, it was all standard issue training until the end when they announced that a tornado had touched down and we had quite a few people injured in the parking lot.  Red Cross had been called and they had asked for our newly trained girls to lend a hand.  So, right there I think everyone knew that it was a pretend situation.  I got a chuckle when some nosy Boy Scouts in the building started passing the word that there was a tornado.  

We went outside to complete chaos.  There were tarps laid down on the ground with "victims."  The girls had to go "save" the victims.  Plus, there were a couple of real live fire trucks on the premises.  They were noisy and like I said it was chaotic.  The neighbors must have thought something crazy had gone down at the church next door.  We were quite the site... let me tell you!

One of the great things about getting prepared for camp is that my YPT card came in the mail yesterday.  That would Youth Protection Training to you lay folk. I was worried that there was some sort of mix up and and I was going to have to take that training class again.  That is a BSA (Boy Scouts of America) training and they read the manual out loud to you... word... for.. word.  It is a snooze fest complete with nightmares.  I am legal and ready for camp now!  And, I have a little bit of First Aid training to boot.

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