Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Partying Like It's 2015

 The Teachers and Mia Maids (14 and 15 year olds) at church had a dance at church on Saturday.  There was a pre-dance party at one of the boy's house.  Fred and I received a message from his mom asking if we could chaperone the party.
It seems this boy had volunteered his home for a party so that there would be a good turnout for the dance.  There seemed to be one problem with his plan.  His home was available, but his parents weren't.  His mom is so sweet and didn't let that bother her at all.
The party started at 6:30 and she needed to leave at 7:15, so Fred and I popped over and hung out with them while they played games.  The dance started at 8:00 and they made it clear that they didn't want to get there until around 8:30.  So, we allowed them to be fashionably late until a member of the Bishopric texted and told them to get their tail ends to the dance.  The Fortenberry's might not be allowed to chaperone again?  Who knows?
Fred drove the boys and I drove the girls to the church.  They were so cute and fun.  I have so much fun hanging out with our youth.  They make me laugh every time I am with them and they almost always just warm my heart.  I meant to get a group picture, but we started hurrying once we were summoned.  I also managed to miss getting a picture of my son.  I got caught up trying to get the perfect picture of the three girls.  They wanted several taken.  I accidentally had my flash on, so all pictures turned out blurry.  I guess I won't be the next Annie Lebowitz!

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