Thursday, April 30, 2015

Music Notes

Since it is no longer marching season, you must think that we have not had the opportunity to hear our fine band play.  Oh, but you are so very wrong.  They have had several concerts.

There was a Christmas Concert (that will have to be a separate post-- not ready to post about Christmas yet), a Winter Concert and a Pre-UIL Concert.
It is pretty frustrating when your child is a tuba player.  You really can't see him in concerts.  They streamed the Winter Concert Live.  Oh, yes they did.  We might be a new school and much smaller than all those other Frisco schools, but we are just as fancy.  My brother was able to watch Jonathan's concert from Lawton, Oklahoma while we watched from the auditorium at Independence High School.  He had better seats than we did.  Jeff texted and told us which one was Jonathan. I might stay home next time and watch from home.
I always take a picture of Faith for two reasons-- 1) she plays clarinet and I love the clarinet and clarinet players and 2) I love Faith so much and I always text her after a concert and let her know how awesome she did and remind her that I think that clarinets are the best.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Pre-UIL concert.  It was the same song, second verse.  I could barely see that crazy boy.  Just his tuba.
And, like always I took a picture of Faith.  And, like always I texted Faith my undying love after their performance, but you have no idea how amazing she was.  I'm not lying or saying that because I'm biased.  I would say that even if I didn't love her or clarinets.  She truly was the best musician of the entire night.  I love her!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Joy to the World

When you take 4 months off from your blog, you are really, really behind.  As a result, my posts are not in chronological order.  They are just going to flip-flop around and I am just going to record my thoughts in whatever order I feel like.  For instance, today is going to have a Christmas-themed flavor.  But, don't expect me to go back and recap Christmas-- just yet-- or maybe ever.  The thought of recapping Christmas is just so exhausting.

To start this post, let me give you some back story.  When it comes to Christmas, Fred is a non-decorator.  If he was left to his own devices, there would be absolutely no decorations in our house. Not a single one.  Not a tree or anything.  He waits until the last possible second to help me get the tree down.  He ignores my requests for help.  He thinks that ignoring them means that we won't have a tree at all.  However, he knows that it only makes me angry and I will end up dragging everything down by myself and attempting to put things together and making a huge mess.  Which will then cause him to exclaim, "If you'll just wait, I was going to help you."  Gee, when was that going to be? Christmas Eve?  I gave up on outdoor decorations a long time ago.  One year, we put lights up, but that is it.

Our friend, Rod, is the exact opposite.  He has the tallest Christmas tree I have ever seen in my life.  He helps his family decorate it (I like to think happily).  He has as many outdoor decorations as Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's Christmas.  I love it, because their house is right in the middle of the street and all houses in Frisco kind of look alike and it is super easy to figure out which is their house at Christmas.

Now you have the back story.  So, I remember the day very well.  It was the Ward Christmas Party.  We had a nice time, but I felt like we were never going to leave.  I was tired and we helped put away chairs and tables.  My husband helped people load up cars and trucks.  At one point, I just sat on the coach, because I was so cranky.  I remember thinking that I didn't have a very good attitude and that I should be a happy helper like Fred.

Anyway, it was well after 9:00 and I was sitting on my bed wrapping Christmas presents. I remember this part so well.  The doorbell rang.  Fred answered it and I could hear caroling.  I thought to myself, "Who on earth?"  And, then I thought, "These people that are doing some late night caroling had better be glad that they didn't catch me in my pj's!"  

I popped around the corner to hear "Joy to the World" being sung by the Moffitts -- one of my most favorite families in the world.  Rod had made us some Christmas yard art.  It spelled the word Joy with the nativity in the middle of the O.  They were standing in front of our door spelling the word Joy with the yard art and singing "Joy to the World."  I love them.  Rod knows Fred pretty well, because he brought stakes and a spotlight and they made sure that we had decorations in our front yard that very night!  What a special Christmas present.  It doesn't get any better than that!  As a parting gift, we sent them on their way with a jar of cookie butter. That's just how we roll.

I say it all the time, but I am so thankful for our sweet and wonderful friends.  We really are blessed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Weekend Warriors

Fred and I were childless over the weekend.  Jessie spent the weekend with the MaMaw and Grady and Jonathan was in Galveston on a band trip.  So, what were we to do?
Friday night, we headed to Irving in the gorgeous weather.  I hope you know that I am joking.  The storms were so crazy.  We went to watch my co-worker in a play.  He is so amazing-- kind of like Robin Williams. 
He is the one on the left.  He pretty much played the village idiot.  I laughed until I cried.  I was glad that we braved the storms for his performance.  At one point he had a bird cage stuck on his head.  I couldn't even breath and I think it will take me a long time to get that image out of my head.  We'll probably be sitting in meetings and I won't be able to look at him, because I'll think of him with the bird cage on his head.  Moral of the story?  If you hang with me, please don't stick a bird cage on your head, because I will remember it forever!
Saturday morning, Fred and I met our church peeps at the park to "Clean it and Green it."  We scored some sweet shirts.  I only got to help for 45 minutes, because I had a very important hair appointment at 10:00.
Oh yes, this might have been one of the most important events of the weekend.  I have been long overdue for a hair appointment, because I can only schedule for Saturday and my Saturdays are busy, let me tell you. You would think I was important or something, only I'm not.  The gray is gone for now. Until next week.  When it pops back out again.  I wonder what my hair would look like if I give up and just let it go all gray.  It would be so much easier than trying to cover up this gray spot that doesn't want to be covered.  I was in the chair from about 10:15 am. until 2:30 pm.  That is a really long time, people!

After, I finished with my hair, I stopped by a little shop and bought a birthday present, because I love to buy birthday presents and then I stopped in at the Tom Thumb and bought some toilet paper.  My kids had used up the back up to the back up on the toilet paper supply.  They use more toilet paper than a small school.  Don't even know what they do with it all.  We were out.  I kid you not.  

When I got home, Fred - who keeps our social calendar let me know what the evening plans were.  He told me that we were going out to eat with our friends, Tony and Kelly, before stake conference. I am so glad he keeps our social calendar for us, because I would never plan anything.  We have way more fun with him doing the scheduling.  We had dinner at Palios and enjoyed Stake Conference at church.  I am thankful for those friends making sure Fred made it to stake conference. Fred probably would have preferred going to a movie.

Sunday was so very special, I had the opportunity to attend Stake Conference with Michelle and Sydney Wilson.  Sydney spoke in conference and did an amazing job.  I was so proud of her maturity and poise and all of her hard work on her talk.  I can't even tell you how amazing that her girl is.  I got there early and procured us third row seats so that we could see Syd really well.  I'm not sure she appreciated that so much, but her mom was excited.  I also want to remember that President Tolbert introduced us to Elder and Sister Frost.
By the evening, we had both of our kids back home.  Jonathan had a great time on his trip.  We heard all about every detail.

I am so thankful for a fun weekend with Fred, for friends that take us under their wing, for kids that had their own adventures this weekend, for stake conference, and for sweet Sydney who taught us all how to have the Courage to Choose the Right.

Monday, April 27, 2015

And They Walked

 Our amazing youth planned a trip to our LDS Temple in Dallas.  But, it wasn't any trip.  They planned to walk to the temple.  The young women planned the trip and invited the young men.  It was going be a 16ish mile trip that would take 6 hours.  This is an activity that has been on the docket THREE times with three sets of leaders.  It was really important that it happen this time and I was really excited to be there.  And, then a date was finalized.  The date chosen was the weekend I was in New York.  You don't even know how devastated I was.
The morning of the trip I texted Fred and Jonathan to tell them good luck.  Do you think I got a response? No!  I texted the leaders that I serve with and they all responded back.  They all knew how heart broken I was.  One sweet leader, Cara, even sent picture of her shirt.  She had painted my name on it.  She had given me the name Wildberry last year for my Camp nickname.  It has stuck (at least with her) and even bled over to my work-life. I so love these ladies and young women and young men!
As we were at the trade show getting set up, I saw a status or two posted and some pictures.  I was so proud of these young men, women and leaders.  I was glad to get busy so that I wouldn't have an opportunity to watch the walk unfold on Facebook.  I wiped my tears and went to work.  I'm not exaggerating.  That is how it all went down.
I'm sure to those looking out their window or passing by, they must have been a sight to behold in their pink shirts, bandannas and sombreros.  I will never quite understand what was up with the sombreros (Jonathan's class wore sombreros - nothing like a 15 year old).
Can you even imagine how much heart and determination it must have taken to walk all that way?  Fred was one of the rolling aid stations.  He was worried about his knees and feet.  (It is tough getting old.)  So, he was a driver.  He met them at every break and filled them with snacks and whatever else they needed.
I am so proud of each individual that participated!
From the pictures, it looks like they always kept a smile on their face and worked hard.
Hopefully, their testimonies were strengthened and they gained an appreciation for having a temple so close to us.
Once they got there, they sat on the Temple grounds and listened to a message that President Tolbert had prepared.
This will be an activity that these young men, women and leaders will carry with them forever.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Top Golf

Fred and the kids enjoyed celebrating Katy's big 18th birthday.  I know they had a great time celebrating Katy and playing golf.  I'm sad that I missed it.  I love Katy and always enjoy time with her.  I am not sad that I missed the big golf extravaganza.

Debi sent me some cute pictures of the kids, so that I wouldn't feel left out.  I'm only posting a few so that I don't overwhelm you.  But, they were all super cute!  Trust me.  I don't lie about these things.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


This is Harvey.  I met Harvey this week while I was visiting a lady from my church.  He is a 9 month old chocolate colored Shih Tzu.  I am in love with Harvey.  He is crazy and sweet.  Would it be wrong for me to drop by and visit this lady every night?  Do you think she would figure out that I really like her, but I am head over heels in love with her dog.  He is so precious.  If you see reports of a dog named Harvey missing in Frisco, do not... I repeat do no check at my house.  I just might have stolen him.  He is THAT cute and sweet.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Birthday Love

Can I just say that my 43rd birthday was super special?  I really dislike birthdays now.  Being old is absolutely for the birds.However, I had a great birthday week.  And, yes, my birthday was all the way back in February.  But, I am so far behind in capturing my thoughts.  At my age, I had better capture them now, or it will be too late.

See, the details are already fuzzy.  I remember enjoying time with my parents on Monday, the 9th during Jonathan's Winter Band Concert.  On Tuesday, Fred and I went out to eat at Red Lobster (where I am sure his plan was to count that celebration as a two-fer -- you know Birthday and Valentines celebration).  

Wednesday, the 11th was my actual birthday.  I think someone in my family must have requested Cane's or maybe I said that I would rather have it than Fred's all-time favorite Golden Chick!  If you didn't know, Fred knows everything about fast food chicken.  And, by everything, I mean everything.  His favorites are Golden Chick and Popeyes which happen to be my least favorite.  My favorites are Chick-fil-a and Cane's.  Fred can handle Cane's thanks to the Cane's sauce and the lemonade, but he believes there is nothing special about Chick-fil-a (blasphemy).  So, we are a house divided.  

Anyway, I arrived at my home with a bag full of  Cane's shortly before it was time to leave for mutual (Wednesday night church for our youth).  As I entered, I kid you not, I heard a large dog barking.  Fred met me at the back door and saw the concerned look on my face when I asked whose dog was in our house.  For real people, Fred looked at me and says, "It's Tony."  First there was panic because I knew that my house was a disaster and then confusion as I rounded the corner and saw Tony Palmer on all fours barking like a dog.  Yes, he was playing with our dog and felt the need to bark at her like he was some sort of Rottweiler.  After I got over the initial shock, our friends, Kelly and Tony, had brought over a sweet smelling gift of Bath and Body Works that was yummy.  Not only that, the bag was complete with a balloon (I never think to add a balloon to my gifts).  It was super sweet!  I wish I had taken a picture of it before I took it apart.

The celebration continued on the following Tuesday.  How many days can an old lady celebrate her birthday?  My sweet friend, Ruth, took me out for lunch.  We sat and talked and talked.  I remember glancing at my watch, but I didn't want to be rude so I just glanced at it.  Well, I didn't glance hard enough because I thought I still had plenty of time to pick Jonathan up for his doctor's appointment.  We talked so long that I had to drive like a maniac to Jonathan's school to get him picked up.  But, it was so very worth it to spend time in the middle of the day with a precious friend.  And, how well she knows me.  She gave me a gift card so that I could go pick out a Vera Bradley purse.  Oh, mercy me!  I love Vera Bradley and I love the sweet lady that gave me the purse.   

I am so thankful for the amazing people in my life.  Not only did they make me feel special on my birthday, but they continue to make me feel special and loved all year long. I am not sure what I did to deserve these people in my life, but I'm not complaining!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Just Can't Win

 We enjoyed celebrating sweet Isabella's 1st birthday on Saturday.

I knew that the gift giving part would be a contest, so Jonathan and I set out for Target Saturday morning to find the perfect gift.  We looked at all the Little People toys and I found my most favorite Princess Castle complete with Cinderella and Snow White.  Jonathan pointed out that it was really for 1 1/2 and up and we should pick something else out (darn that kid).  I love Cinderella and I really wanted to get her the Castle.  So, we looked some more and we picked out the Little People Carnival set.  It was the biggest and loudest Little People set they had.  I was hopeful that it would beat anything that Angela brought.  But, no, Angela was already there when we got there.  I guess she thought that 3:00 was just the suggested time that the party started and she had not wrapped her gift.  It was out and Isabella was playing in it.  It was a ball pit!  Really?  A ball pit for a ONE year old? Of course, Isabella loved it and so did the big girls.

You just can't win when you are competing against Angela!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Partying Like It's 2015

 The Teachers and Mia Maids (14 and 15 year olds) at church had a dance at church on Saturday.  There was a pre-dance party at one of the boy's house.  Fred and I received a message from his mom asking if we could chaperone the party.
It seems this boy had volunteered his home for a party so that there would be a good turnout for the dance.  There seemed to be one problem with his plan.  His home was available, but his parents weren't.  His mom is so sweet and didn't let that bother her at all.
The party started at 6:30 and she needed to leave at 7:15, so Fred and I popped over and hung out with them while they played games.  The dance started at 8:00 and they made it clear that they didn't want to get there until around 8:30.  So, we allowed them to be fashionably late until a member of the Bishopric texted and told them to get their tail ends to the dance.  The Fortenberry's might not be allowed to chaperone again?  Who knows?
Fred drove the boys and I drove the girls to the church.  They were so cute and fun.  I have so much fun hanging out with our youth.  They make me laugh every time I am with them and they almost always just warm my heart.  I meant to get a group picture, but we started hurrying once we were summoned.  I also managed to miss getting a picture of my son.  I got caught up trying to get the perfect picture of the three girls.  They wanted several taken.  I accidentally had my flash on, so all pictures turned out blurry.  I guess I won't be the next Annie Lebowitz!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

First Aid Training at Its Finest

We had our Camp First Aid Night a couple of weeks ago for Young Women's.  It was organized chaos.  Our ward had a ton of leaders there and we just split up and shadowed our girls.  So, it was all standard issue training until the end when they announced that a tornado had touched down and we had quite a few people injured in the parking lot.  Red Cross had been called and they had asked for our newly trained girls to lend a hand.  So, right there I think everyone knew that it was a pretend situation.  I got a chuckle when some nosy Boy Scouts in the building started passing the word that there was a tornado.  

We went outside to complete chaos.  There were tarps laid down on the ground with "victims."  The girls had to go "save" the victims.  Plus, there were a couple of real live fire trucks on the premises.  They were noisy and like I said it was chaotic.  The neighbors must have thought something crazy had gone down at the church next door.  We were quite the site... let me tell you!

One of the great things about getting prepared for camp is that my YPT card came in the mail yesterday.  That would Youth Protection Training to you lay folk. I was worried that there was some sort of mix up and and I was going to have to take that training class again.  That is a BSA (Boy Scouts of America) training and they read the manual out loud to you... word... for.. word.  It is a snooze fest complete with nightmares.  I am legal and ready for camp now!  And, I have a little bit of First Aid training to boot.

Monday, April 20, 2015

That's Just How I Am

If you are wondering to yourself, what kind of person is Donna?  Let me tell you.  I am the kind of person that will come over with my limited lung capactity and blow up balloons and build a balloon arch with you.  That's just how I am.

Okay... I really don't have limited lung capacity, but I am definitely not the fastest balloon blower upper that you will ever meet.  If you ever need a balloon arch, call me.  It might take me all night, but I'm your girl.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Welcome Home

Jaiden, Jess and Ruth watching and waiting for Emmi

Speaking of missionaries... we had the opportunity to welcome home sweet Emmi Moffitt from her mission in Orlando, Florida.  She came home on December 17th which just shows you how far behind I am.

We were so blessed that this sweet family allowed Jessie and I to join in their family celebration.  How heartwarming it was to see those first hugs exchanged when she came walking through baggage claim.  Emmi spent 18 months serving her Heavenly Father and the people in Orlando, Florida.  That meant that her family had only conversed with her by once-a-week emails and skyped her twice.  Can you even imagine?

There was definitely electricity in the air as we waited and watched for this beautiful young woman that had given up everything for 18 months.

After hugs had been exchanged and bags claimed, we went to IHOP and just enjoyed her for the morning.  I am so thankful that I chose to take that day off and spend it welcoming home this amazing missionary.

I took a few pictures, but I was hanging back so that her family could love on her.  So, they are pretty much the worst pictures ever.  But, they capture how special the moment was.

And, there she is walking so fast my phone couldn't catch it

Emmi and Ruth -- so blurry because I was probably bawling my eyes out

Emmi and Jaxon - so sweet

Emmi and Jaiden - I love these two girls!

Emmi and Rod - I just love this one, because there is just something so sweet about a dad and his daughter.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Well Done

I just love missionaries.  One sweet missionary that I love, Chelsea, came home from her mission last month. I was in New York when she came home, but I was completely honored to speak in church with her the next weekend.

On March 29th, Chelsea and I both spoke on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I am sure everyone was just blown away with my speaking skills. Either that or they were blinded by my silver sequined top.  Regardless, I enjoyed sitting right next to sweet Chelsea on the stand and seeing her get just as anxious about speaking as I was. I love that girl and I am so proud of her.

I was also excited to attend her Homecoming Dessert Party where I just stood around and chit-chatted without partaking in a single dessert.  Go me!

Oh, how happy we are to have Chelsea home!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Our College Freshman

Freshman Orientation

Well, Jessie is officially a college freshman at Collin College.  She is only taking 2 classes, so that she can get her feet wet and keep her anxiety down.  Her classes are on Monday and Wednesday.  On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, she volunteers at The St. Anthony School (where she graduated from high school).  She works very hard for them-- specifically helping with the 7-9 year olds.  She does a great job and we are very proud of her.

Walking Home - 1st Day of School

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Plague of the June Bugs

Say What?  The sky's the limit this month!  What does this mean, exactly?

 My fortune says that the sky is the limit this month, but I don't know what that means.  Sunday night, I walked over to my friend Cara's to to help her build a balloon arch.  It wasn't as fancy as it sounds.  I started walking back after dark.  As I walked down her street, it was a nice spring night.  As soon as I turned on Galley Street, I was pelted by June bugs.  I had to keep my mouth closed so that I wouldn't accidentally swallow any.  Once I got inside, I could hear them hitting my bedroom window.  It was like the locust plague in one of the Little House on the Prairie books - I can't remember which one.

Then on Monday night, I took Mollie for a walk.  No June bugs this time.  We must have managed to get inside before June bug haunting hour.  But, I discovered a very important lesson about my pooper scooping bags.  I ran out and I bought green scented bags - just like my old ones.  One important difference.  I bought my old bags at Petco and my new bags at Walmart.  Lesson learned.  Never buy cheap pooper scooping bags.  Mollie and I were walking at a nice pace.  I wasn't letting her stop to smell or dawdle.  All of a sudden, she came to a hault and there was no continuing on.  She had business of the number two variety to do in someone's front yard.  I pulled out my new bags - two - I like to double bag.  The cheap bags wouldn't open for anything.  I finally got one open, but it seriously took a very long time. 

So, I ask you.  Is the sky really the limit?  What does that mean.  Does that mean that my luck is going to change?  Does that mean that I can listen to country music on the way in the morning or will Jess still ask to listen to show tunes or Disney?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

True Story

So, speaking of Rednecks, true stories and college...

When I was in college, I took Sociology.  My family didn't have cable.  Not because we were poor or anything, but because cable hadn't come to Lavon yet.  I had never heard of Jeff Foxworthy or his "You Might be a Redneck" jokes.

On the first day of class, my professor started talking about sociology and what we were going to learn and he made some sort of connection to Rednecks - I don't remember what it was now.  What I will always remember is how he launched into Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be a Redneck if..." act only I thought he was 100% serious.

He started in and the longer he went the madder I got.  By the time class was over I had my arms crossed and I was fuming.  I kept thinking, "He's making fun of my people!"

Sociology turned out to be one of my most favorite classes, but I would have never known it from that first day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Redneck Music for Mormons

Since I'm so far behind, my posting is going to jump around all over the place.

Way back on February 21st, I was just so edified and had the opportunity to feast on the Lords words all day.  Do I sound smart or what?  Jess and I went to the Stake Women's Conference.  Then, my family went to Katy Miller's birthday party and I went to musical fireside that featured The Nashville Tribute Band.  So, I felt super bad for missing Katy's birthday.  She was celebrating at Top Golf.  We all know how much I love and adore Katy and golf. Okay, so we all know how much I love and adore Katy.  I took golf in college as one of my four P.E.'s that they require a business major to have.  I still know nothing about golf.  Coach Sigona would tell us that we could go home after we had hit a bucket of balls.  I had this huge fear that I would have to spend the night at the driving range, because it would take me all night to hit my bucket of balls.  So, in a fit of panic, while he wasn't looking, I would just chunk as many balls into the driving range quickly as possible.  That is a true story.  I hate golf.  I even hate miniature golf which is crazy, because I spent about a bazillion hours at Mountasia Family Fun Center.  Mountasia was a miniature golf establishment and I happened to be dating one of their key employees - Fred Fortenberry.

Anyway, while my family hung out and golfed with Katy I enjoyed the musical stylings of The Nashville Tribute Band.  Which is LDS (the politically correct term for Mormons) country music.  I went all by myself and just had the best time and enjoyed the music of my people-- you know, Rednecks.  It was the best.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Best Part of Waking Up

So, I hate...hate...hate mornings.  It is really hard for me to wake up.  I set like 5 alarms and always still oversleep.  Waking up to get Jonathan to seminary is the bain of my existence.  I wake up slow and tired and late and then Jonathan moans and groans and then we get him to seminary late.  But, once we get rolling, we are both happy.  Jonathan is happy to be at seminary and that makes me happy.  I sit in the car and wait for him, because we have figured out that works best.  If I try to come home and start getting ready, then you can bet that I will be late to pick him up or I will have to head back with half fixed hair.  It is all so very stressful.  So, I sit in the parking lot with a few other parents.  I sit and I read my scriptures.  I have come to appreciate that time in the morning.  I am not a scriptorian and I feel so inferior to most people, but I do love that I can sit and read every morning. Before Daylight Savings Time, I got to watch the sunrise, too! It was a win-win!

Not sure who to credit this quote to, but I love it:

"The scriptures are meant to be used like bread... for daily use.  Not like cake... for just special occasions."