Thursday, February 21, 2013

Status Quo

Valentines Day Candy and Cards for My Loves

We are just trucking along!  Nothing big happening at the Fortenberry's. 

 Jonathan is out selling mulch for his Boy Scout fundraiser.  He has come back in twice to get a new pen, once because there was no one home on our street yet and there was another problem, but it escapes me right now.  He did manage to get a couple of orders, though.  Thank goodness.

Jessica is in her room cackling to You Tube videos.  Why are You Tube videos so funny?  She always makes me watch them with her.  I happily oblige, because it is the right thing to do, but I never find the same enjoyment that she does.

Fred has been helping his boys work on their Physical Fitness merit badge.  He is excited to come home every Wednesday and report which exercises he can do better than Jonathan.  Exactly how old is he, again?  Oh yeah, that's right.  40!  Should he be competing against his 13 year old son and bragging about it?  Right this second, he is hobbling around.  Maybe too much competition?

I am super busy at work and want to cry, because it just isn't going to get done.  I'm also behind at home, so please don't come visit me right now.  On the bright side, my hair has looked really good for the last two weeks.

And, that's all I've got!

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