Monday, February 18, 2013

Death Defying Acts of Courage

Jonathan's birthday party was jam packed with death defying activities that required acts of courage.  We didn't intend to do two activities, but somehow that always happens at Main Event.  I figure the boy deserves it since he didn't have a party last year, right?

Most everyone, adults and children alike, participated in Laser Tag.  What does that say about us?  We like to shoot at each other?  Our team of mostly adults and teenagers creamed the other team (who appeared to be mostly 5 year olds).  We aren't picky.  We were just glad to come out the victors.

After Laser Tag, there was finally an opening for the gravity ropes.  Somehow we ended up with a lot of chickens in our group.  Jonathan, Ally and Madison were the only kids that participated.  Adult participants were Abie, Fred and Grady.  I would have participated, but I needed to document with pictures.   Fred, Jonathan and I did this last year and it was so much fun!

Somehow, I ended up with only a couple of pictures of Jonathan.  I don't know why.  I had more of Ally than anyone.  I think she just managed to always be where I happened to be standing trying to take pictures.

The award for youngest participant goes to Madison.  She tried so hard, but ended coming down early.  It can be a little scary up there.  Especially to a 9 year old.  I put my arm around her and showed her a picture of  herself on the ropes.  I said, "Madison, you are so brave.  I didn't see any other 9 year olds up there. You should be proud of yourself."  I am all about making kids feel good about themselves.  Madison's mom is all about keeping it real.  Angela said, "Well, the youngest in our group.  There were others that were up there younger than you!" 

Last year when we did the gravity ropes our friends, Abie and Stacey, came with us. Abie wasn't able to go up with us, because his back was bothering him.  He wasn't feeling well on Saturday, so much that he skipped lunch.  But, I was so glad that he managed to go up on the ropes.

I took a lot of pictures and I looked at all of them. Almost everyone's best picture happened to be on these loopy rope things.  I have no idea why and it really bites, because it sure would have made my post look better if we could have mixed it up a little.

Award for oldest participant goes to Grady.  Watching your 73 year old (almost 74) dad navigating the ropes is not for the faint of heart. You are harnessed in and safe, but it is still scary to watch from the ground.  I am not saying that 73 is old, but I sure hope I am can take on a crazy feat like this when I am 73.

I wish I could have been up there with them, but I had so much fun watching from the ground.  Jonathan had a great time with our sweet family and friends.  We are thankful to have wonderful friends that we love so much and to have cousins close by.

Thank you all for helping us celebrate Jonathan's 13th birthday.

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