Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bring On The Hunger Games

We had the best time celebrating our sweet friend, Katy.  She turned 16 and we celebrated with a little bit of Hunger Games at the archery range.

Let's just say if the goal is to consistently get all of your arrows next to the target and bruise your arm, then you can just call me Katniss.  At least the arrows all landed in the same spot- even if they weren't where I was aiming.  The other consolation is that I bet Angela's bruises are  bigger than mine!
We had so much fun celebrating with these great friends.  The archery was crazy fun.  I think we are going to go back, so that Jonathan can work on his Archery merit badge.  Plus, I really want to hit that dang target.

We love you Katy and hope you had a wonderful birthday!  Thanks for including us.

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