Saturday, February 23, 2013

Puppy Chow Madness

Our resident cook, Jess, whipped up some Puppy Chow earlier this week.  It was quite the treat around here, let me tell you.  I have never offered up such a treat.  I'm not sure why.  I guess it just wasn't something  that I thought was scrumptious enough to serve and there were never any requests.  Jess was gathering recipes for her very own cookbook and came across a Puppy Chow recipe that she probably brought home from Young Women's.  It looked super easy and sounded yummy, so she decided to fix it.  The guys thought it was so delicious that they were concerned about eating too much of it (Jess made it to take to school).  They would cautiously ask if they could have some.   I probably had about 5 little pieces altogether, but the guys would have had the entire batch if left to their own devices.

If Jess keeps up with all this treat fixing, there will be a couple of people needing to watch their diet pretty soon..

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