Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crazy Mollie

This is crazy Mollie!  She is beautiful when she is freshly groomed, but give her about a week and she is stinky, messy and dirty.

We also can't have nice things or fun toys.  This was her little toy that she got from her four-legged pal Josie.  She ate half his face! 

I don't know what we are going to do with her.  I guess we'll keep her, because she is the happiest little thing I have ever met. 

Saturday, she escaped while we were unloading the groceries.  We didn't realize that the back door was open.  Literally, we discovered her missing within minutes.  We started walking through the alley looking for her.  I told the kids that I thought we should go to the pond, because that is her favorite place.  I was so scared, but in less than 5 minutes we found her.  She came strutting up to Jonathan like she was big stuff.  Did I mention that she was bad, too? 

But... I guess we'll keep her!

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