Thursday, February 28, 2013

Missionary Work

"Missionary work is the lifeblood of the Church. There is no greater work, no more important work. It blesses the lives of all those who participate in it. It will continue blessing future generations.”
-Silvia H. Alred

The youth participated in a Missionary activity yesterday. Due to my work schedule, I hadn’t volunteered to help, but I did end up staying and helping my friend in the mailroom. What a wonderful testimony I gained from that experience. As parents, we were asked to drop off care packages and letters for our “missionaries” in the mailroom. We didn’t have an attendance sheet to know who didn’t have packages or letters. We could tell that many had packages, but no letters or letters but no packages. Or, even worse, they would receive nothing when it came time to deliver the mail. I had some note cards in my car. We began trying to quickly guess who needed a letter of encouragement. We didn’t want anyone to feel left out. Then we were trying to figure out who might need packages, and learned that about half the kids needed packages. There was no way to execute packages for that many kids in such a short amount of time. We did have letters of encouragement from adults in the ward, so we made sure that we had enough of those to hand out to the ones without letters and packages.

When it was time to deliver the letters, it was chaos. I noticed two brothers without letters. I called their names out and handed each of them an unmarked letter of encouragement. As I handed a letter to the thirteen year old, his face lit up. He exclaimed, “She remembered!” I turned away, because I didn't want to see his face when he realized that it wasn’t from his mother. It was at this moment that I learned something very valuable. As members of our Church, we need to be sending letters of encouragement to our missionaries. I so desperately wanted these sweet youth to feel loved, encouraged and special, but what about our wonderful young men and women in the mission field? We should be writing them often. They are out there doing amazing things and they should be hearing encouragement from those of us back home.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bring On The Hunger Games

We had the best time celebrating our sweet friend, Katy.  She turned 16 and we celebrated with a little bit of Hunger Games at the archery range.

Let's just say if the goal is to consistently get all of your arrows next to the target and bruise your arm, then you can just call me Katniss.  At least the arrows all landed in the same spot- even if they weren't where I was aiming.  The other consolation is that I bet Angela's bruises are  bigger than mine!
We had so much fun celebrating with these great friends.  The archery was crazy fun.  I think we are going to go back, so that Jonathan can work on his Archery merit badge.  Plus, I really want to hit that dang target.

We love you Katy and hope you had a wonderful birthday!  Thanks for including us.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Next Paula Deen

Dear Friends,

One day my precious daughter will be the next Paula Deen or Rachel Ray, and you will see her on The Food Network.  Perhaps you will see her with her own show touting the merits of butta folks or EVOO. Or, perhaps her secret ingredient will be powdered sugar, because she seems to use it in everything.  Please just remember that her dear sweet and wonderful mother supported her cooking interests.  Don't think about how she mumbled and grumbled about the powdered sugar that was stuck to the cabinets or the dishes that could have been washed better or how expensive these endeavors were.  Just remember how she looked at her sweet daughter and said, "Great job, Sweet Pea!"   She really is talented... even if she is messy!  Do you think Paula and Rachel are messy cooks?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Let Me Be Your Gardner

I read this sweet article this morning on the Deseret News website.  It touched my heart.  When I was pregnant with Jess, I had a test that came back with abnormal level of AFP which put Jess in the positive risk zone for Down Syndrome.  From there, we waited for an appointment to have an amniocentesis,  and after that we waited for the results of an amniocentesis.  It all seemed to take forever to get the results that she was absolutely fine.  I often wonder how we would have taken the news if she wasn't fine, and what course our life would have taken.  Thankfully, that wasn't the life we were meant to lead.

My gardener has brought lessons of patience, love and understanding
by Todd Wangsgard

My fourth and youngest child was born with Down syndrome. With number four, we had chosen to let gender be a surprise, since we already had two sons and one daughter. My work involves a significant amount of traveling and teaching to business audiences, so I was sure to block out three weeks of time around my wife's Aug. 26 due date to be there for the birth and recovery.

This baby gave us three surprises. Our first surprise came just as I touched down at New York's LaGuardia Airport on the night of Aug. 5, 2008. My wife's water had broken and she was headed to the hospital. "Doesn't this baby understand, I had planned a specific window of time for it to come?!" was my first thought. Ridiculous, I know, yet a typical occupational hazard of mine, since I regularly teach time management.

My two-day trip was soon modified into a one-day trip, and I made plans to return home the next afternoon and revisit the client a couple weeks later to finish day two of my program.

The second surprise came when my wife's call interrupted my morning session on Aug. 6 to announce our child's arrival. My entire class knew the situation and was just as excited as I was to learn the baby's sex. I held my cellphone up to the lavalier microphone I was wearing and let her announce to the entire audience. "It's a boy!" she exclaimed, as the room burst into spontaneous applause and congratulations.

The third surprise didn't come until early the next morning, several hours after I had come home and spent most of the evening with my wife and new son at the hospital. Before I could even get back to see them on the morning of the 7th, the doctor paid a visit to inform my wife that little Bridger has a genetic condition called Trisomy 21, more commonly known as Down syndrome. She called me in tears, not fully understanding what that meant — what that would mean. And the education process for both of us began in earnest.

I quickly informed the other kids that Bridger would have special needs and asked them to kneel and join me in a prayer for Mom and baby. The Spirit witnessed to us then — and has countless times since — that everything would be fine. After racing back to the hospital, we spent several minutes holding Bridger, inspecting his tiny body, looking for the tell-tale signs of Down syndrome. Admittedly, there was a period of shock and disbelief. Yet both of us were amazed at how quickly the uncertainty and dismay were replaced with eagerness to learn.

Putting this special event into context with our eternal purpose and the plan of salvation allowed the Spirit to distill upon our minds and hearts and reassure us that God had sent us a gift. It would be a privilege to raise one of his choicest spirits — one who would likely teach us much more than we him.

Not one day after I had broken the news of Bridger's birth and diagnosis on our family blog, my Aunt Gerlinde called me from St. George, Utah, to congratulate us and to tell me a story of her own. As a retired educator in the public school system for the past 30 plus years, she acknowledged that thousands of children have stepped into and out of her life. She was blessed to have taught a couple children over the years who have Down syndrome.

"These kids," she said, "stepped into my life, but never step out." This includes a boy named Jason whom Gerlinde taught in fifth grade during the early 1980s. One summer day, several years later, Jason and his father showed up at Gerlinde's front door unannounced. Jason had recently graduated from high school and had been working for his dad's yard care business.

With a great big smile and in his labored speech, Jason said something simple, yet intensely profound. (Even Gerlinde hadn't sensed the deeper meaning behind what she was about to tell me. As the father of a new baby with Down syndrome, I was deeply moved by the meaning of Jason's proposition.) Jason said, "Mrs. B, your lawn is the pits! Let me be your gardener. Let me be your gardener!"

It hit me. In a very real way, Bridger was sent to me to be my gardener. And during the next several decades, he will pluck from the recesses of my heart and mind the weeds of prejudice, misunderstanding, intolerance and selfishness. He will replace them with an abundance of patience, love, understanding and joy! This was our Heavenly Father's way of gently putting his hand on my shoulder and whispering into my ear, "Todd, my son, your lawn is the pits! Please, let me be your gardener!"

Bridger is 4 1/2 years old and doing extremely well in his development. He underwent open heart surgery at 5 months old to repair two holes in his internal heart walls and experienced a near-perfect recovery. We are so blessed to live in a time and place when modern medicine and technology are readily available to give kids like him increased chances at success in life. This "routine" heart repair, in fact, likely doubled his life expectancy.

More importantly, Bridger's sweet, innocent and joyous outlook will inspire all who know him to become better examples of Jesus Christ-like living. Perhaps that's a fourth surprise I hadn't surmised. Our lives will be transformed for the better by having been touched by his!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Puppy Chow Madness

Our resident cook, Jess, whipped up some Puppy Chow earlier this week.  It was quite the treat around here, let me tell you.  I have never offered up such a treat.  I'm not sure why.  I guess it just wasn't something  that I thought was scrumptious enough to serve and there were never any requests.  Jess was gathering recipes for her very own cookbook and came across a Puppy Chow recipe that she probably brought home from Young Women's.  It looked super easy and sounded yummy, so she decided to fix it.  The guys thought it was so delicious that they were concerned about eating too much of it (Jess made it to take to school).  They would cautiously ask if they could have some.   I probably had about 5 little pieces altogether, but the guys would have had the entire batch if left to their own devices.

If Jess keeps up with all this treat fixing, there will be a couple of people needing to watch their diet pretty soon..

Friday, February 22, 2013

Flashback Friday: Sibling Love

Easter 2005

I absolutely love this picture.  It is typical Jonathan and Jessie.  Jonathan is smiling so sweet with his arm around his sister.  He looks so sweet angelic.  My favorite part is that he is absolutely oblivious to the fact that he has caught her ponytail in his embrace and apparently it is painful.  My guess is that she is adding an extra dose of dramatics for added flair.  

The more I look at this picture, I could just eat him up and perhaps take that shirt back to The Children's Place and get a smaller size.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Status Quo

Valentines Day Candy and Cards for My Loves

We are just trucking along!  Nothing big happening at the Fortenberry's. 

 Jonathan is out selling mulch for his Boy Scout fundraiser.  He has come back in twice to get a new pen, once because there was no one home on our street yet and there was another problem, but it escapes me right now.  He did manage to get a couple of orders, though.  Thank goodness.

Jessica is in her room cackling to You Tube videos.  Why are You Tube videos so funny?  She always makes me watch them with her.  I happily oblige, because it is the right thing to do, but I never find the same enjoyment that she does.

Fred has been helping his boys work on their Physical Fitness merit badge.  He is excited to come home every Wednesday and report which exercises he can do better than Jonathan.  Exactly how old is he, again?  Oh yeah, that's right.  40!  Should he be competing against his 13 year old son and bragging about it?  Right this second, he is hobbling around.  Maybe too much competition?

I am super busy at work and want to cry, because it just isn't going to get done.  I'm also behind at home, so please don't come visit me right now.  On the bright side, my hair has looked really good for the last two weeks.

And, that's all I've got!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Death Defying Acts of Courage

Jonathan's birthday party was jam packed with death defying activities that required acts of courage.  We didn't intend to do two activities, but somehow that always happens at Main Event.  I figure the boy deserves it since he didn't have a party last year, right?

Most everyone, adults and children alike, participated in Laser Tag.  What does that say about us?  We like to shoot at each other?  Our team of mostly adults and teenagers creamed the other team (who appeared to be mostly 5 year olds).  We aren't picky.  We were just glad to come out the victors.

After Laser Tag, there was finally an opening for the gravity ropes.  Somehow we ended up with a lot of chickens in our group.  Jonathan, Ally and Madison were the only kids that participated.  Adult participants were Abie, Fred and Grady.  I would have participated, but I needed to document with pictures.   Fred, Jonathan and I did this last year and it was so much fun!

Somehow, I ended up with only a couple of pictures of Jonathan.  I don't know why.  I had more of Ally than anyone.  I think she just managed to always be where I happened to be standing trying to take pictures.

The award for youngest participant goes to Madison.  She tried so hard, but ended coming down early.  It can be a little scary up there.  Especially to a 9 year old.  I put my arm around her and showed her a picture of  herself on the ropes.  I said, "Madison, you are so brave.  I didn't see any other 9 year olds up there. You should be proud of yourself."  I am all about making kids feel good about themselves.  Madison's mom is all about keeping it real.  Angela said, "Well, the youngest in our group.  There were others that were up there younger than you!" 

Last year when we did the gravity ropes our friends, Abie and Stacey, came with us. Abie wasn't able to go up with us, because his back was bothering him.  He wasn't feeling well on Saturday, so much that he skipped lunch.  But, I was so glad that he managed to go up on the ropes.

I took a lot of pictures and I looked at all of them. Almost everyone's best picture happened to be on these loopy rope things.  I have no idea why and it really bites, because it sure would have made my post look better if we could have mixed it up a little.

Award for oldest participant goes to Grady.  Watching your 73 year old (almost 74) dad navigating the ropes is not for the faint of heart. You are harnessed in and safe, but it is still scary to watch from the ground.  I am not saying that 73 is old, but I sure hope I am can take on a crazy feat like this when I am 73.

I wish I could have been up there with them, but I had so much fun watching from the ground.  Jonathan had a great time with our sweet family and friends.  We are thankful to have wonderful friends that we love so much and to have cousins close by.

Thank you all for helping us celebrate Jonathan's 13th birthday.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Belated Birthday Fun

We had a great time yesterday celebrating Jonathan's birthday.  He turned 13 on January 11th, so we are just a little behind.  Better late than never, I always say!

We started with lunch at Raising Cane's and then headed over to Main Event.  We were so fortunate to have  so many wonderful friends and family join us.

Silly cousins joined us for some fun and games!

We had silly friends join us that we love so much that they should be silly cousins!

We pushed ourselves... some of us beyond our limits and beyond our comfort zone.  We had quite the adventure, but there will be more on that later.

Thank you to all those that came out to play with us.  We love you!  We have awesome friends and family.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Favorite Things: Duck Commander Sunglasses

If you like Duck Dynasty, and let's face it who doesn't like Duck Dynasty, then you will love Duck Commander sunglasses.  $38 at your local Walmart Vision Center - what's not to love about that?  They feature Realtree camo, because the Duck Commander guys only wear Realtree camo.  All the outdoorsmen and women wear Realtree camo, too.  It's a fact, Jack.  Karin is wearing the D611 in black.  Jessica has that  sunglass and it looks super cute on her.  I wish I had a picture, because it is a-dor-able, I tell ya!  I'm wearing the D610 in gunmetal (also comes in gold).  The other models are all very sporty.  Fred has a sporty pair.  They were in his stocking.  Duck Commander sunglasses make this family, Happy Happy Happy!  (You just had to know that I would get as many Phil-ims and Si-ims in there as possible.)

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Favorite Things: iPhone and Social Media

I can't tell you how much I love my iPhone! It is attached to me at all times, but not in a holster type thing.  I can't rock that look. I love all electronics, actually.  I love my laptop and my Kindle. And, I absolutely love all things Social Media.  I adore my blog.  I enjoy spending time on Facebook and Twitter.  I like to take pictures and post them on Instagram.  And, let us not forget Pinterest.  Oh, how I love to find great recipes and ideas for church on Pinterest.

As much as I love Social Media, is it any wonder that I have been put in charge of our Social Media efforts at work?  For the sake of "work," I am constantly perusing all sorts of sites.  

I guess you could say I am dedicated to my work.  I think my Facebooking, Tweeting, Instagramming and Pinning deserves a raise!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Favorite Things: All Things Hair

I have frizzy, curly, nasty, yucky hair!  It has taken me forever, but I have finally found a combination of hair products that work for me.

I start with Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Shampoo and Conditioner.  Love that stuff.  It is the best shampoo that I have found for frizzy hair and I have tried everything from Aveda to the super cheap stuff and in between.  I even broke down and bought that Wen stuff on the infomercial that the guy with the blond hair sells. 

Anyway, while my hair is damp, I rub Kenra oil in it.  I hear people say that it cuts your drying time by 50%.  It does help with the blow drying process.  However, for me it seems to really help with the straightening process.  Great stuff!  Definitely one of the best finds ever.

I have a BaByliss hair dryer.  I can't tell you that it is so super special, because the drying process is a pain in my backside.  I usually look like a big fro-head after I blow dry my hair.  So, I am just not a big fan of any hair dryer, but this one is really good.

My favorite hair product is my BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium flat iron.  It is the greatest invention ever.  I would marry it, if I weren't already married.  It heats up to 450 degree and slides across my frizzy/crazy hair and turns it into smooth, silky locks.  I think I will be buried with my flat iron.

As you know, I'm on the backside of 40 now.  The older I get, the frizzier and weirder my hair gets.  I can't tell you that my hair is beautiful, but these products have certainly made my hair more manageable.

I hope my kids are reading this that way they can make sure to stock my room with these items when I'm old.  I will need help with the flat iron, because I'm sure they have restrictions on those in the nursing home.  I fear that no one will help me with my hair and I will be the crazy lady with her hair sticking up everywhere.  The scariest part is I am afraid that my daughter will let me look like that on purpose as way to pay me back for all those years of pulling her hair up and putting large bows in it.   Maybe someone could take pity on me?    

Velveeta and Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have shared some of the yummy dinners that we've tried lately.  So, I thought I would share a huge miss.  Saturday was a cold day filled with errands.  A day when I left my house tidy and came back after hours of errands to find it trashed.  No one wanted to cook.  We had bought a box dinner that we thought would be easy and a step up from Hamburger Helper.  We had it in our pantry just waiting for the moment when someone said, "What should we fix?"  It was Velveeta Cheesy Bake, Cornbread Chili.  The box mentioned that you could enhance the dinner by adding Rotel tomatoes and since our daughter is a huge queso fan, we have Rotel flowing like some people have wine.

Comments from the fam were, "This isn't too bad, I think I'll have some more!"  and "I REALLY like this;  how much more can I have?"

Comments from me, "Too. Spicy.  Hot. Hot."  and "I REALLY don't like this; I don't want anymore of this."

Thankfully, I had some chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator.  Nothing cleanses the palate like chocolate chip cookies!  I was so desperate that I made the entire package.  I thought it would take a lot of cookies to cleanse my palate.  Turns out, by the time they were finished cooking, I decided I only needed two.  Who knew?  The boys that had seconds and thirds on the Velveeta Cheesy Bake needed to cleanse their palate too.  Not sure why if there dinner was so good. 

So, you decide... take Fred and Jonathan's advice and buy a box or take my advice and stay far, far away.  Either way, everyone needs a couple of chocolate chip cookies.  That is something we can all agree on!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Favorite Things: My Pirate Boots

I love my pirate boots.  They are just cheap Candies boots from Kohl's, but they are perfect for me.  They don't have a heel, which means that that they were made for me.  I know my limitations and that means I shouldn't wear anything with a heel.  I will be tripping and falling in no time.  The best thing about my boots is that my 13 year old thinks I'm cool.  Probably because I look like Jack Sparrow in them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Favorite Things: Vera Bradley

I love Vera Bradley bags!  They are one of my favorite things in the whole entire world.  I am so thankful for the birthday card that they sent me in the mail.  I will be at the mall this weekend getting my $20 off of $20. Last year, we were driving to and from Austin to visit Jess.  I made Fred and Jonathan drive all the way to San Marcos so that I could use my birthday "present" at the outlet.  They were such troopers.

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Hair and Birthday Dinner

Today is my birthday. I am 41. I keep thinking that I am really old. I look it. I feel it. And, I can't get the thought out of my head that I am on the backside of 40. It is all downhill from here. Before I know it, I will be approaching 50 and then 60 and then you get the drift.
I look in the mirror and I look so old and I have gray hair that I can't get to cover up with the hair color in the box. Not to mention it has been exactly 1 year since I had a hair cut.  I was scheduled to get a hair cut in March of 2012, but Jess came home from residential treatment.  Our lives were all turned upside down so I canceled it, and I apparently never made another one.  Who does that? 

I finally bit the bullet and made an appointment on Saturday for new hair.  I had Fred take a picture of it, but he doesn't profess to be a photographer.  You can't really see much about my new hair.  It is a little brighter and has more shape.  Other than that, it looks just like my old hair.  Oh, well!  Baby steps.

I had nothing special planned tonight.  I had pasta on the menu - both kid and adult friendly.  That is what I call a win-win.  To my surprise, Fred stopped off at the grocery store and picked up steak, lobster and corn-on-the-cob.  The kids will not partake in such a meal (crazy, I know), so Jessica cooked the pasta and garlic bread for her and Jonathan.  Fred fixed our meal, and we had coconut cake for dessert.  I am not a fan of cake, but I can be persuaded when you start adding in coconut!  I didn't have to lift a finger except to help clean the kitchen.  I could get used to this kind of treatment.

I might be on the backside of 40, but at least I have new hair and a family that is willing to fix a delicious dinner.

My Favorite Things: Clinique

Here is my not-so-secret, secret!  I have rosacea.  I hate it.  It is embarrassing. End of story. Nothing you can say will make me feel better about it.  I have tried different products, but none of them worked.  One night, I was doing a google search to see what new products were out there, when I found Clinique Redness Solution.  If you have rosacea, this stuff is so awesome.  When I put the moisturizer on, I kid you not, my face can be heard singing Hallelujah.  I mean singing it in a manner that you would think that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was in my bathroom. 
If you like pretty skin, or if you just want to hear MoTab in your bathroom twice a day, then you should check this stuff out.  I'm just sayin'... it's good stuff.  (Hint:  if you just want to hear MoTab and you don't care about clear skin, iTunes is cheaper.) 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Favorite Things: Sparkly Green Earrings

The View From My Kindle

I wanted to do something special on my blog for Valentines Day.  You have already read about everything that is important to me during November.  I won't bore you with that again in February.  I decided to do a "My Favorite Things" like Oprah.  Only, I'm not giving out sweet gifts; I'm just going to spend the week of Valentines (and my birthday, by the way) telling you about all of my favorite things.

I am going to start with a new book I'm reading.  I just started this book yesterday and Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle is sure to be one of my new favorites. Oh my, I love this woman.  Apparently, she has a very popular blog and has now published her memoir.  Her blog and book both seem to be much different than Stephenie Nielson's that I love so much.  I really stumbled upon her and I'm so glad that I did!

Melanie Shankle's blog is called Big Mama and her blog and book are both deeply rooted in her faith, but she isn't a "Mormon Mommy Blogger"... I'm not sure exactly what her religion is.  She is a fellow Texan (she lives in San Antonio) and boy is she funny!  I just started reading her book, and I can't get enough of her and her side kick/best friend, Gulley!  They are like the modern day Texan versions of Lucy and Ethel trying to tackle being a wife and mother.

I haven't started reading her blog, but you can bet I will!  I think I aspire to be Big Mama.  I wish I could write in an inspirational yet witty style.  She is oh so funny. 

So, if you get a chance, pick up or download a copy of Sparkly Green Earrings.  You won't be sorry! (Too bad I'm not getting paid for this endorsement!) 

Put Your Shoulder To The Wheel

"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer -- no matter how eloquent the oration."

-- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Faith Without Works is Dead"

Hmmm... sometimes I think I forget to get out and push. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gratitude Jar

Quite some time ago, the Beehives and I made a journal jar.  We modge podged scrapbook paper on to a jar and rolled up slips of paper and put into the jar with fun ideas to help us with our journaling efforts.  Well, I personally never used my journal jar, because this blog is my journal. 

On January 1st, I repurposed my journal jar and made a gratitude jar.  Every night I write on a piece of paper something good about my day.  Most days, it is super easy to come up with something good that happened.  However, there was one day that I had to really stretch and work to find something good about that day.

I love my gratitude jar.  It is quick and easy, so there is no excuse for not taking the time.  It has helped me put my life in perspective.  It can help turnaround a bad or rough day.  I love the days when I have a hard time picking one thing to write about.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Flashback Friday: Blue Skies


This was our Christmas picture from 2005.  It was the perfect picture.  Only problem was that I didn't notice that someone had walked behind us.  It was all the way in the far back left corner, but it was distracting and annoying just the same.  I asked our Art Director for help.  I thought she would do something realistic.  Instead she put this fake sky in the background.  It grew on me and I just hoped everyone focused on how it made my adorably cute kids pop!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crazy Mollie

This is crazy Mollie!  She is beautiful when she is freshly groomed, but give her about a week and she is stinky, messy and dirty.

We also can't have nice things or fun toys.  This was her little toy that she got from her four-legged pal Josie.  She ate half his face! 

I don't know what we are going to do with her.  I guess we'll keep her, because she is the happiest little thing I have ever met. 

Saturday, she escaped while we were unloading the groceries.  We didn't realize that the back door was open.  Literally, we discovered her missing within minutes.  We started walking through the alley looking for her.  I told the kids that I thought we should go to the pond, because that is her favorite place.  I was so scared, but in less than 5 minutes we found her.  She came strutting up to Jonathan like she was big stuff.  Did I mention that she was bad, too? 

But... I guess we'll keep her!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

To The Moon

Fred took his Scouts camping Friday night.  They launched rockets Saturday morning.  Fred was supposed to bring a camera and he forgot.  The red and silver rocket is Fred's.  There was a malfunction.  Apparently, it went up and then right back down and stuck in the ground.  Jonathan's is the green - his very favorite color. 

I understand that the boys had a great time launching their rockets.  I am so glad that Jonathan and Fred are having this time together in Scouts.  It is such a blessing to our family.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's Cookin'

Let me tell you, our kitchen got a workout on Sunday!  And, that meant lots of cleaning for me.  It might have made me a little cranky, too.  One of the cooks is messy and uses more dishes than necessary.  However, I think I contained my anger and she won't know that I was frustrated unless she reads this post.  In which case, I can say that I am over it now. 

Jess tried her hand at making cake balls.  She made them by herself without any help.  I was impressed with her effort.  And, even though I was frustrated, she did do a pretty decent job of cleaning up after herself.
She wanted a fun snack for Super Bowl watching, but they were super rich.  So, we all sampled, but no snacking occurred.  She did make queso for the Super Bowl, though.  I think Jess could live on appetizers... never eating real food.

We have church from 1:00 - 4:00, so fixing dinner in the crockpot is a must.  I tried my hand at a Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup.  It was delicious and we will definitely be having it again.  Jonathan said he 'sort of' liked it.  The rest of us meat eaters (Fred and I) thoroughly enjoyed it.

Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 15 oz can of sweet whole corn kernels, drained
1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes, drained
5 cups chicken stock
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium green pepper, chopped
1 serrano pepper, deveined, deseeded, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. chili powder
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp pepper
Monterey jack cheese, shredded
Tortilla strips
1. In the insert of your crockpot add all ingredients except for cheese and tortilla strips.  Stir ingredients to make sure seasonings are well mixed.
2. Cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 8 hours.
3. Prior to serving, shred chicken.
4. Serve soup hot, topped with tortilla strips and cheese
Note:  We tried the strips all different ways.  Cut big, little, toasted, not toasted.  I think we will probably buy the tortilla chips that come in little strips and add those.  Actual tortillas didn't seem to work well in the soup.  Although, the soup was delicious.  Fred had seconds and tried it with leftover cornbread instead of the tortilla strips.  He crumbled cornbread in the bottom and poured the soup over the cornbread and said it was delicious.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Saturday Errands

Jessica and I spent Saturday morning running all manner of errands.  She wanted to get some snacks for the Super Bowl.  Originally, she had asked to go to a friend's house to watch the Super Bowl.  When we said no, she decided to throw a family party.  She made a shopping list of snacks that she needed.  I had a grocery list and we headed out Saturday morning.  We ran around picking up my Sunday School handouts, dry cleaning, prescriptions.  And then, we drove to Walmart where we both discovered that we were errand losers.  We had both left our grocery lists at home.  We had to drive back home for our list!

Fred and Jonathan got home to the smell of dinner in the slow cooker!  It was a big hit with the meat eaters (everyone except Jess).  I am not very domestic.  Cooking is not fun to me, but this meal was easy and delicious.  We will be repeating this yummy little number.

Slow Low Country Boil

4 quarts water
1/4 cup Old Bay Seasoning
1 tablespoon Kosher Salt, plus more to taste
4 Celery Stalks, cut in 1 inch pieces
1 Yellow Onion, diced
1 Head of Garlic, halved
2 1/2 Pounds Small Red Potatoes
4 Ears of Corn, Shucked and Cut into 4 pieces
2 Pounds of Smoked Sausage, Cut into 1 1/2 inch slices
2 Pounds Medium Shrimp, in the shell deveined

In a slow cooker combine water, Old Bay seasoning, salt, celery, onion, garlic and potatoes.  Cook on low heat until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife.  4-6 hours on low.

Add the corn and sausage and simmer until the corn is tender, 1-2 more hours.  Add the shrimp and simmer until opaque, 20-30 minutes.  Taste the broth and adjust the seasonings with salt and pepper, if necessary.  Serve immediately.

Note:  We cut this recipe in half, because the measurements above would have been way too much for our slow cooker.  Also, our shrimp was not in the shell.

We served with corn bread


I was at the school watching some of our sweet youth from church in a play.  From what I understand, Fred and Jonathan LOVED it!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

We Are All Teachers

"We are all teachers. We should ever remember that we  not only teach with words; we teach also by who we are and how we live our lives."
-Thomas S. Monson

I have a new calling in church. I am the Sunday school teacher for the 14 and 15 year olds. I have about 12 students that attend regularly and they are quite the cast of characters. Some days they make teaching difficult and some days they are ever so reverent and I wonder who on earth they are. But, no matter what their classroom demeanor is, I have come to fall in love with these wonderful teenagers. The girls I already knew from my calling in Young Women's. The boys, I knew from afar. I knew just enough to be afraid. And, my suspicions  about them were right. They are more interested in cutting up and playing around than learning. But, they are precious and sweet children of God and they make me smile and laugh every Sunday. And, every Sunday they also say something that warms my heart and makes me so thankful that I have this very special calling. I love the youth of our church and I love teenagers in general. They are so fun and often misunderstood. They just want to be listened to and loved.

My prayer is that I am able to teach these sweet spirits the gospel.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Flashback Friday: Jessie and Baby Kylie

February 2004

I remember this day.  It was a hard day for the Fortenberry's, but this moment was certainly happy.  Jess enjoyed holding and getting to know her baby cousin.