Thursday, August 14, 2014

Jessie's Birthday Celebration

Jessie's restaurant of choice for her birthday was Black Eyed Pea.  It is her favorite!  I told Fred that we needed to call and see where she wanted to go for her birthday, but he seemed to think it was a no brainer. He was right.  She loves the bread and the veggie plate.

Jessie invited her cute friends, Jaiden and Nicole.  Those girls are so darling and sweet and I am very thankful that she has them in her life.  Nicole just received her mission call!  She is going to serve in Spokane Washington and will be leaving on November 22nd!

We were quite the rowdy group at Black Eyed Pea on Monday night, let me tell you!  I think that they typically bring in a quiet, older crowd. Add in Jonathan and Fred and you've got the makings for loud and silly!

Jaiden had never eaten at Black Eyed Pea, and she quickly asked for kids' menu.  She doesn't eat very much she told us.  Then, she managed to put away 1 roll and 2 pieces of cornbread.  So, it was no wonder that she had a hard time eating her kids plate which was 2 very large cheese sticks and a bowl of mashed potatoes.  Hmm... not sure that is a balanced meal, but she reported that it was very good.

This picture is awful, because it was taken with Fred's phone (he refuses to upgrade).  Jaiden gave Jessie a Doctor Who nightlight and a Doctor Who Yahtzee game.  Jess was thrilled!  It completely made her day.

We were headed out for a quiet family dinner, but I'm so glad for the last minute editions.  These two girls really livened up our night!  I love these precious girls!

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