Friday, August 22, 2014

Happy Graduation - Feeling the Love

We hadn't planned for Jess to open gifts at her party.  I was afraid it would take up too much time and space.  However, it sort of just happened.  She received some very sweet gifts from people that care so much about her.

The gift "counter"

 The Garstka's and Miller's gave Jess a James Avery bracelet.  Since she was the only girl in her senior class, she didn't really know anything about James Avery.  She knows now and she loves her bracelet!

The DiSpigno's gave her a "J" charm to add to her bracelet. 

 MaMaw gave her a crazy purse that she made.  The inside is a fabric that has "hunky" shirtless men.  It is the craziest thing I've ever seen.

The Moffitt's gave her a sweet card and there were sentiments that I don't understand.  It had something to do with bananas and parties and Doctor Who.  Jess loved it and understood it and it went completely over my head!

Kindle Fire HD for Jessie 

 Dr. Seuss book from The Cornelius' family.  It had a very sweet hand written note.

Jess giving Grammy Susan a hug while it looks like Angela is torturing Isabella (babies love Aunt Angel, because she doesn't treat them like they are going to break)

MaMaw and Grady gave Jessie this huge TARDIS!  She would never give Lainey something this big.  I don't know why she insists on giving Jessie really big gifts.  I think she likes to drive me crazy.

Jess was so touched by the love she felt and by all the gifts and $$$ that she was given for her graduation.

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