Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy Graduation - Fun with Friends and Family

Well, this is Part 2 to Jessie's Graduation Party.  I'm not sure how many parts there might be.

So many amazing and fun people came to help us celebrate Jessie's accomplishments.  Our goal was to keep it small and simple. It was mostly family along with close friends.  Jessie did get to invite a couple of cute girls!
 Madison, Kylie and Ally - I love these cute girls.

Lots of fun going on inside!

Emma and Angela Rivera came and hung out with us, so that we could enjoy them before they moved to Reno!

John, Laura, Dave and sweet Isabella

Kaitlin, Aunt KiKi and MaMaw

Grady, Jonathan and Fred

Does it get any more adorable than this?  Madison, Jessie, Kylie and Kaitlin.  Can I please have some of Madison's charisma?

Madison - my favorite picture!  Angel is putting sunscreen on Madison's face.  Angel does everything with gusto and it looks like she is about to push her down in this shot!

Ally and Laura 
Cute Laura is the sweetest thing, but she always poses with attitude

John and Angel

Looks like a girly pow-wow

So many wonderful friends and family

Such cuteness!


I include this picture, because I think it might be the only picture of Ruth and Nicole

Enjoying the nice weather and the fun day

We just love these people to death


Cute Laura

Such sweetness:  John and Laura

(Little known fact - Jonathan once thought he was named after John.  Nice thought, but we hadn't met John yet when he was born.)

We are so thankful for the fun day and for all the people who came out to celebrate with us!  We love everyone that came out to play with us.

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