Saturday, August 16, 2014

Boot Camp Blues

I had the amazingly bright idea that I wanted to attend a boot camp so that I could get in shape!  I am on my third week now.  I go at 5:30 in the morning.  I am not a morning person!  It is a struggle for me to get my happy little self to WOGA Gymnastics where the trainer, Matt has decided that he wants to kill me.  He is a happy, upbeat guy that jumps around like he is on something.  I have never seen anyone so happy and peppy that early.  

My second week in boot camp, Matt went on vacation and left cute little Angie in charge.  She is a girls' volleyball coach at Prosper and she was a Personal Trainer in another life.  Her husband is also a Personal Trainer.  So, they are basically a "power couple."  Kind of like Fred and I.  So, Angie had us doing such crazy stuff that I had bruises on my arms and rug burns on my elbows.  She had us doing these walking planks that included resistance bands.  You had to walk in and out of the plank using your resistance band.  By the last rep, I was exhausted.  Done.  Couldn't do anymore.  I could feel myself getting caught up in the resistance band.  The girl next to me, let's call her Super Girl, was having a similar problem.  She walked her self back to the beginning and started over.  I stubbornly kept trying and trying until I shot myself out of the resistance band.  It was an awesome moment.  Angie laughed and told us that her Personal Trainer husband was a little concerned that she had us doing this particular exercise, but she told him that it was FUN!  Huh?  Trust me.  There was nothing fun about that one. Cute little Angie calls me Muscles.  I don't think it is because I really have muscles.

At least I am getting stronger and more fit! I will have accomplished something when it is all said and done.

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