Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas with the Forthman Fam

We celebrated Christmas with my family on Saturday.  Mom made a delicious meal.  The decorations were beautiful like always, and there were too many gifts.  We celebrated quickly, so that Mom could go take her shift at the hospital.  We appreciate Auntie Jan staying extra long at the hospital, so that we could have our time together.  Jeff was in Atlanta last year, so we weren't able to have our big celebration.  I think everyone agrees that having him home was the best gift of all.

The Forthmans
back row:  Fred, Dad, Jonathan and Jeff
front row:  Me, Mom, Emma and Jessie

Mom gave Fred a Dallas Cowboys Santa hat.

Uncle Jeffrey

Aunt Emma


Jessie is really excited about the books that Uncle Jeffrey and Aunt Emma got for her.

Jonathan and the car that Grady got him for Christmas

Hmmm.... I guess Dad and I didn't make the cut.  I'm not sure why there weren't any pictures of Dad.  He is going to hold this against me for sure.  Since I was the one with the camera, there is no evidence of me either.

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