Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today was filled with lots and lots of errands.  Jonathan was rewarded for his patience.  He had a neighbor/church friend come play for three hours this afternoon.  His friend is almost two years younger than him, so it was a good lesson in patience for Jonathan.  From the sounds coming out of Jonathan's bedroom, they both had a great time.

Both cars needed oil changes, so that was one of our "little" errands today.  We grabbed the boys and headed out to pick up the van.  On the way out, I found that they were packing contraband.  Somehow, I don't think Firestone would have ever been the same if we came in with two nerf guns and a pointer finger.  I'm not sure what they were going to do with the pointer finger. 

After our trip to Firestone, the boys watched a movie in Jonathan's room.  They made one special request:  popcorn for their movie.  Against my better judgement, I let them take popcorn into Jonathan's bedroom.  I heard Jonathan yell out to me that the popcorn had spilled.  I told him not to worry that I would be in to help them clean it up.  I was expecting a pile of popcorn.  I think it started out as a pile and then they found that it was fun to play in. 

They are already planning their next play date.  Note to self:  remove all weapons from Jonathan's room and do not let them talk you into taking food out of the kitchen!

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