Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blue Eyes and Blond Curls

We are in so much trouble with this kid!  This morning he was looking in the mirror at himself and he started saying over and over in a sing-song manner, "My curls are growing back!  My curls are growing back!"  Seriously, all of that wasn't necessary, since we didn't cut that many off.  This prompted a discussion about getting his hair cut short - a conversation that I start frequently.  I am the one that has to take the water bottle and wet it down.  Once I've done that, then I have to go back and spray it with gel.  After that, I have to take the mountain of curls and mold it into something that looks nice.  I don't think that a 9 year old boy's hair should take so much effort.  I am always trying to talk him into getting it buzzed, so that he can comb it himself.  He always says that is a good idea and then chickens out at the last minute.  Once again, he committed to getting his hair cut short.

I knew that Jonathan liked his curls, but had no idea how vain he has become.  After I had his hair sufficiently gelled, he leaned close to the mirror and said, "don't my curls look good with my blue eyes?"  Oh me, oh my!  What am I going to do with that child?  Some how I don't think we'll be getting that buzz cut.

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