Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reindeer Games

We went to Greenville on Christmas Eve to celebrate with my Mom's side of the family.  My Grandma was in the hospital again, so we had to adjust our plans.  We had a small crew this year due to weather, work schedules and other family celebrations.

My Dad was kind enough to stay with Grandma while the rest of us got to play our annual games.  It wasn't the same without everyone, but we made it work.  We were happy that my "little" brother and his wife made it in this year.  They are both in the Army, and we are so glad to have them in Texas.  They transferred in October to Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio.  Yay for us!

Jonathan and cute little Josie.  Since Fred and I had to work, Mom and Dad took Jonathan on Christmas Eve.  Mom and Auntie Jan were taking turns staying with Grandma at the hospital, so Jonathan spent much of his day with Auntie Jan, Uncle Joe and Josie.  Thank you all for taking care of Jonathan during this crazy time!

I really don't know... I think he was getting bundled up to go stay with Grandma.  Nice look, Dad.

Fred looking kicked back and comfy on Grandma's couch.  It felt awfully strange to be at Grandma's without her there.

Jeff and Emma.  It is so great to have them home!  They are just a short five hour drive away.  We can just pop in on them whenever we want.  He He!

Auntie Jan.  Do you see her face?  There is some serious plotting going on.  My cousin, Tammy, had another Christmas celebration to attend.  So, she gave Auntie Jan proxy to play for her.  That means that Auntie Jan was playing for herself and Tammy.  At one point, "Tammy" decided to trade her nice clock with Auntie Jan.  That Auntie Jan can be very tricky!

Here is Miss Jessica.

Aunt Judy and Mom.  Something was darn funny! Those ladies have their Christmas spirit going!

My two boys!  Jonathan brought this hot chocolate set, and he made sure that he went home with it, too.

Here is the big winner of the night!  Uncle Joe won/got stuck with this silver sequined bag.  We were all so jealous!

We had a great time.  We wished that Tammy, Randy, Cheyanne, Corey, Lucy, Sue and Jackie could have been with us.  We especially wish that Grandma could have been there.  Grandma's apartment is very close to the hospital, so we ended up celebrating at her home.  Her presence could be felt everywhere.  It was felt when Auntie Jan creatively traded with Tammy.  It was most definitely felt when Aunt Judy didn't pass the bags right during the Right/Left game.  I wouldn't say Grandma was a cheater when we played games.  She just wanted to make sure that she brought home the good prizes!  When you are the Grandma, you can get away with this type of behavior. 

This Christmas we celebrated the upcoming expansion to our family.  Don't worry, I'm not contributing to the expansion.  Jeff and Emma are having a baby at the end of May!  My cousin Corey and his wife Lucy are due in August.  I can't wait to love on these little babies, and then give them back to their parents. Now that my kids are older, I have decided that being an aunt to the 6 and under crowd is an awesome job!

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