Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Who would have guessed that we would end up with a white Christmas?  While we were at work on Christmas Eve, it started to snow.  I had to run out and get gas on my lunch hour.  Afterwards, I spent a few minutes driving around and looking at the beautiful snow.  At that point there was very little accumulation.

I drove through a park close to the office.  The scene above was just before the snow really started sticking.  I'm sure it was even more beautiful later in the day.

When I got home at 3:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, this is what our front yard looked like.  We grabbed Jessie and headed to Greenville.  After celebrating Christmas with my Mom's family, we skated home.  The beautiful snow started freezing, and made for quite the drive home.

This is Jonathan looking out the window on Christmas morning.  He had spent Christmas Eve in Greenville (where there was no accumulation), and it was late when we got home.  He didn't realize that we had a winter wonderland in our front yard.

Shortly after the gifts were open and breakfast was made, Jonathan and Mollie went outside to play in the snow!

It was Christmas, so I didn't complain when he went outside in his pj's and crocs.  He did eventually come in and change shoes.  However, the pj's stayed on.

I wish that some of those snowflakes could have found there way to Greenville for Jonathan.  He made up for it by truly enjoying himself on Christmas morning!  What a wonderful memory for him.

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