Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tour of Lights

Last night we ate way too much dinner and then took a drive to look at Christmas lights.  Jessie opted out of the tour of lights.  She gets car sick easily and doesn't like the feeling of meandering around neighborhoods. 

Jonathan had shown a real interest in Christmas lights this year, so I thought it would be nice to go look at the nicer displays in our area.  Looking at Christmas lights is not a yearly tradition in our family, but I had high expectations for the night.  I completely forgot one of the main rules of parenting 1:  If you start out a family activity with expectations that are too high, you are pretty much setting yourself up for failure.  Once I came to realize that Jonathan was only somewhat interested in the lights, I relaxed and it was a nice family activity.

We ate so much dinner at Mooya's that I could hardly move.  Jonathan and I only ate about half of our hamburgers.  The fries are what get you.  Jonathan was so full that he had to put his head in my lap.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of those handsome blue eyes.

We drove the streets of Deerfield (in Plano) to look at the lights.

 Those families went all out on their displays. There were some magnificent decorations.  Jonathan enjoyed looking at the lights... in between watching bits and pieces of a movie.  (Completely my fault for letting him start the movie.)

The most magnificent display was in our hometown of Frisco.  There is a family that lives in a neighborhood not to far from ours.  They have used 75,000 lights in their display.  Everything is set to music, so it is quite magical.  This picture doesn't do it justice, because it was taken though my windshield.  I was too much of  a wimp to get out in the cold and take a good picture. 

Will this become a yearly tradition?  Probably not, but we did have an enjoyable night together.

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