Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Sounds of Christmas

At our house, we love music.  Jessie, Jonathan and myself could listen to music constantly.  Fred... not so much.  He only listens to music in the car, but prefers sports talk radio or his comedy station.  If I have music playing at home, he can't stand it.  When we first got married it drove me crazy!  I couldn't understand why he would turn the tv on while I was listening to the stereo.  Then I learned that he has to have something visually stimulating to look at.  It is just how he is wired.  I accepted it a long time ago and moved on.

The only time I miss having music playing in the background is during Christmas.  The kids and I have been finding creative ways to get our music fix. 

Jessie's favorite Christmas CD is Donny Osmond's.  I have to admit that I don't like that one so much.  She has pulled her stereo over close to her bed, so that she can hear the music at all times!   I think she has Mary Did You Know? on automatic repeat.

I, of course, have a little drive to work.  I can listen to Christmas music to and from Carrollton.  My favorite music right now is David Archuleta's Christmas CD.  Most of the songs are traditional hymns, and I just love it. 

Jonathan is having a harder time getting time with his Christmas tunes.  We have just a short drive to and from school.  Last night, we drove up in front of the house, and he was so disappointed.  He asked me if I could put it back on Joy to the World and drive around the neighborhood.  We drove around and looked at Christmas lights long enough to listen to that song twice.  Jonathan said, "I just love that song!"  Then he belted out in his off-tune, yet endearing way, "Joy to the World.  The LORD (Lord was sung with special umph) has come!"  He was so impressed that David Archuleta knew so many "church songs" (as he called them)!

I am so happy that my kids are enjoying the songs of the season.  I am especially pleased that they love songs that celebrate the birth of our Savior.  It makes my heart glad to hear these sounds coming from their bedrooms!

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