Sunday, December 6, 2009

O Holy Night

As I've said before, due to my work schedule, we find it easier to have family home evening on Sundays.  I was in so much luck tonight.  Our church's annual First Presidency Christmas Devotional was tonight.  So, we just tuned into the BYU channel and listened and watched for an hour.  We laid out blankets and had dinner while we watched. 

Jessie enjoyed the musical numbers.  She loves all kinds of music, so she really liked listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Jonathan enjoyed President Uchtdorf's talk.  Unfortunately, I think he was really focusing on his accent instead of the talk itself.

As for me, I REALLY liked the choir's rendition of O Holy Night.  That is my most favorite Christmas song ever!  Earlier in the day, I was trying to decide whose version I like the best - Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond or David Archuleta's (I don't have a big Christmas CD collection).  I was thinking that Marie's is my favorite with David Archuleta's being a close second.  Now, I have to re-rank them, because I have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's version to think about.  I just love THAT song!

I loved all of the messages from the First Presidency.  They were all inspired and so appropriate for this time of year.  I bawled like a big baby when President Monson told the story about the soldier trying to get home for Christmas.  I think Jess might have cried too, because she didn't make fun of me. 

Everyone was so reverent during the messages... even Mollie.  She could have barked and chased the cat, but she didn't.  Jonathan was extremely reverent... until he started snoring during President Monson's talk.  Do you think that makes him a heathen?  I hope not!

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