Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

We hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year's. We had an invitation to spend New Year's Eve with our good friends, the Garstka's. I know we would have had a great time, but we ended up passing on the invitation. We have been running nonstop this month, and I decided that we all needed a break. I guess I was right, because Fred was the only one who stayed awake last night. Fred came into the bedroom, and I popped up really quick. I told him not to worry that I was just resting my eyes. I assured him that I had every intention of staying awake to greet the new year. He laughed and informed me that the new year had started four minutes ago. Oops... I guess I was doing more than resting my eyes.

Jonathan didn't even make it to 9:00 p.m. We're not sure what time Jess fell asleep. The light was on in her room, so we thought she was awake. At 11:15 p.m. we discovered that her light was on, but she was sound asleep. How sad are we? Maybe we'll do better next year.

I had stopped at the grocery store on my lunch hour and bought sparkling pear juice.  My Grandma gave me these goblets one year for Christmas.  They were hers, and she thought that I might like them.  I pulled them out last night to celebrate the new year.  Since we all fell asleep early, they were used this morning.  Jonathan thought it was an awesome thing to drink sparkling pear juice out of the big goblets.  Jess and I were not sure if we liked the pear or not.  Jonathan thought it was fantastic.  In fact, the bottle of sparkling pear juice was gone before lunch today.

Fred and the kids lounged around today.  I was dressed in my lounging clothes, but certainly didn't lounge.  I was busy cleaning and reorganizing after the Christmas craziness.  The decorations have been put away, and homes have been found for all of the wonderful gifts that we received.

The new year is always a time for goal setting.  Some years I have a long list of goals that I want to achieve.  Then there are some years that I hardly give it a thought.  This is one of those years where I feel very ambitious and have a nice long list of goals and resolutions. 

Parenting is the area where I have the most need for improvement.  I have struggled with my parenting skills for the last thirteen years.  Both of my kids have some special needs, and I haven't done a very good job in meeting those needs. I spent most of the day putting together some tools that I hope will help me as I work towards being a better parent.

Last month I started listening to a set of CD's called Celebrate Calm.  These CD's are targeted towards parents with ADHD kids.  Most of the ideas and concepts should also help Jess.  One of the suggestions was to get a simple white board and list all that is expected of your child.  Today was a lazy day at home, so the list resembles a chore list.  However, it could be a list that would let Jonathan know that he has Karate, will be getting a hair cut, and that we will be getting groceries before lunch.  Just something so that he knows what to expect throughout the day.  ADHD kids don't do well with surprises, and I am not always good at communicating the tasks and events that will occur throughout the day.

For family scripture time, I am going to incorporate the use of these seminary scripture mastery cards.  I spent the evening laminating three sets.  I have to trim them out and put them on rings tomorrow.  I will be passing them out during Family Home Evening on Sunday.

I also made this list for Jonathan to hang in his room.  I keep his morning routine very consistent.  However, we still have to remind him to brush his teeth, or to put his shoes on.  One morning, I went to work early.  Jonathan didn't brush his teeth that morning, because Daddy didn't tell him to.  I am hoping that I can just keep referring him to the chart, until he realizes that ALL of these things have to be done EVERY morning.  Some mornings he is great, and needs very little reminders.  Then there are the mornings where he just looks at you with a blank stare.

This is just a start.  I am continuing to research and learn, and hope to come up with more ways to help our family.  2010 is off to a great start!

P.S. Sorry that these pictures are so boring.  No people pictures were taken today.  Did I mention that we spent the day in our loungewear?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love organization. I love those signs. I love it all!