Sunday, January 24, 2010

That's Just Disturbing... To a Ten Year Old Boy

When I was typing up my Jonathan quotes yesterday, I realized that I forgot a really good one.  Well, I guess that would be relatively speaking.  I think his quotes are good, but I might be the only one.  Not to mention, most of the fun in Jonathan's quotes are the inflection that he uses in his voice.  You kind of miss that when you read it on a blog.

Anyway, I had picked Jonathan up from the dreaded after-school program.  I was explaining to Jonathan that Dad was still at work, and that I was meeting my friends for dinner.  I told him that Jess would be watching him, and that Dad would be home soon.  Jonathan gets nervous about these things, so I was trying to make him feel better.  It seems that he got stuck at the part where he realized that I was meeting the girls for dinner.

Jon:  So, let me get this straight, you and Aunt Angel (dang, Angela, your name has made a lot of appearances on this blog) are going to have dinner with other girls?

Me:  Yep.

Jon:  That is just DISTURBING!

Me:  Why is that?

Jon:  Well, a bunch of girls getting together and having dinner in a restaurant... that is just disturbing.

Me:  What about Daddy?  He and his friends get together and go see movies together.  Is that disturbing?

Jon:  No, not really.

What a ten year old boy thinks about!  I guess he is afraid that it is going to look like some big female double date.

Three men getting together at 10:30 p.m. on a Saturday night in a dark movie theater.  Doesn't that sound more disturbing?  I guess not to a ten year old. That is just three buddies hanging out together.  He can imagine going to a movie with his friends, but not out to a restaurant.

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