Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Love You

A long, long time ago when I was in the 6th grade, my Granny had to go live in a nursing home.  We went to visit her and took her this little sign.  It was hung on the wall right at her eye level.  I remember that she looked over at the sign and then looked back at me.  In a frail voice, she said "I love you, too."  I cried and cried, because I didn't like seeing her so sick and weak.  After she died, I swore I was done with nursing homes, hospitals and sick grandmothers.

Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way.  Yesterday, we went to see my Grandma in the hospital.  She has been bouncing in between the hospital and the nursing home for several months now.  She looked really good.  There is a lot said for having naturally good skin.  It also helps when you have some of your make-up tattooed on.  Her hair had grown and it was annoying her.  So, we played beauty shop, and I combed and fluffed her hair. 

When we got there she was taking a breathing treatment.  After the treatment, they roll her onto her back and beat on it to loosen up the junk in her lungs.  Mom took the kids out of the room during the beating process.  Grandma was excited to have me watch this process.  This particular caregiver had been a percussionist in high school (I asked).  She basically played a drum solo on Grandma's back.  It was interesting to say the least. 

The kids hadn't seen Grandma in a long time.  She was highly contagious with MRSA, and I couldn't let the kids see her.  Grandma was sure happy to see those kids.  She said things that made them laugh.  Some of those things I can't repeat.  When you are a Grandma, you can say anything you want!  She loved on them and told them how beautiful they were.  That Jonathan is real trooper.  She uses that crazy Grandma strength that older people have, and puts him in a head lock.  She hugs, kisses and pats on him.  And, of course, she tells him how handsome he is and how much she loves his hair.  Good grief, if people keep telling him that, he's never going to get it cut!

We brought Grandma a little valentine bear that said I Love U on it.  I didn't think about the similarities between that bear and the sign that we once gave my Granny.  That is, until she looked at the bear and then looked over at me.  And, she said, "I love you, too."  This time I was big girl and didn't cry.  I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of my Grandma.  I know that once she has completed her earthly trials, she will return again to be with Him.  I just hate those earthly trials.  But, they are a part of life that we must all endure.

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