Friday, January 22, 2010


Jonathan is positively motivated by junk, so we have gone to a token system with him.  He can earn a token each morning for completing all of the items on this chart in a timely manner.  I have a bag full of fun little items that I bought at Walmart.  Each piece of junk/treasure can be purchased for five tokens.

(Obviously, the chart needs to be reworked.  I forgot many items the first time I put it together.)

Jonathan earned his first treasure today.  He chose what I thought was a container of putty.  I was shopping quickly and didn't look closely at the container.  Upon closer examination, I realized that the container read Flarp!  Noise Putty.  By Flarp, they really mean a word that sounds kind of like flarp.  Turns out it is one of those containers of putty that you stick your finger in, and it makes rude noises. Fun times will be had by all this weekend!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"Jonathan is positively motivated by junk"

That is the single most AWESOME comment I have ever read from a mom on a blog. You crack me up to no end!!!! Sophie is likewise motivated by CRAPOLA.

I do miss seeing you on Sundays. I'm really sad about it still!